FY 2024-2025 Final Adopted Budget

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Budget 2023-24

Adopted 2024-25

Projected 2025-26


General Fund Community Services

37,344,330 40,104,000 35,815,723 82,974,361

41,032,732 41,350,000 43,884,117 95,792,844

50,013,893 42,225,000 43,381,330 92,660,947

50,937,570 42,225,000 45,664,381 95,223,199 199,011,388 433,061,538 12,827,950 9,895,125 1,714,632 24,437,707

Debt Service

General Government

Infrastructure Public Safety

168,174,734 181,820,111 193,615,394 364,413,147 403,879,804 421,896,565

Special Revenue Funds Community Services

7,755,922 10,977,000 11,106,804 9,895,125 1,445,848 1,832,416 20,308,573 22,704,541

12,775,471 9,895,125 1,714,632 24,385,228

Infrastructure Public Safety

Debt Service Fund Debt Service

33,995,613 46,924,908 33,995,613 46,924,908

48,379,264 48,379,264

48,386,041 48,386,041

Enterprise Funds Infrastructure

245,316,036 309,607,659 340,713,776 245,316,036 309,607,659 340,713,776

345,881,038 345,881,038

Internal Service Funds Debt Service General Government

3,653,010 3,224,038



96,968,965 110,848,860 120,037,143

119,933,745 22,681,508 146,755,005 998,521,330 181,436,645 817,084,685

Public Safety

18,259,182 22,070,185


118,881,156 136,143,083 146,553,958

Total Expenditures

782,914,525 919,259,995 981,928,791 158,955,486 167,863,168 179,917,524 623,959,039 751,396,827 802,011,267

Less Transfers and Internal Charges

Net Expenditures

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