FY 2024-2025 Final Adopted Budget

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Budget 2023-24

Adopted 2024-25

Projected 2025-26


Fund Type

General Fund

364,413,147 403,879,804

421,896,565 433,061,538

Special Revenue Funds Cemeteries Operating Fund

1,021,253 1,090,128 1,445,848 1,832,416 4,135,822 6,034,405 1,527,804 1,456,125 9,579,000 8,439,000 20,308,573 22,704,541

1,180,028 1,714,632 6,835,270 4,760,173 1,456,125 8,439,000 24,385,228

1,200,178 1,714,632 6,835,334 4,792,438 1,456,125 8,439,000 24,437,707

Emergency Telephone System Fnd Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Fund

Nussbaum Housing Partnership Revolving Fund 2,598,846 3,852,467

Special Tax Districts Fund State Highway Allocation Fund

Debt Service Fund

33,995,613 46,924,908



Enterprise Funds Transit System (GTA) Fund

19,651,579 31,536,452 6,054,245 7,508,273 17,408,152 19,040,259 8,362,633 12,493,168 57,052,554 72,842,278

35,656,887 8,267,016 19,844,537 15,914,332 73,309,992

35,719,061 7,791,141 19,844,537 16,051,329 73,309,992 193,164,979 345,881,039 4,139,752 32,437,560 1,036,545 15,694,890 19,587,088 6,986,618 66,872,552 146,755,005

Parking Facilities Operating Fund Solid Waste Disposal Fund Stormwater Management Fund War Memorial Coliseum Complex Fund Water Resources Enterprise Fund

136,786,873 166,187,229 187,721,012 245,316,036 309,607,659 340,713,776

Internal Service Funds Capital Leasing Fund Equipment Services Fund Graphic Services Fund Network Services Fund Technical Services Fund Risk Retention Funds

3,653,010 3,224,038 22,722,681 24,440,686

4,139,752 32,693,114 1,022,546 15,426,237 19,474,876 6,950,825 66,846,608



Guilford Metro Communications Fund

13,260,853 15,240,663 13,198,743 19,699,165 4,998,329 6,829,522 60,151,857 65,726,320

118,881,156 136,143,083 146,553,958

Total Expenditures

782,914,525 919,259,995 981,928,791 158,955,486 167,863,168 179,917,524 623,959,039 751,396,827 802,011,267


Less Transfers and Internal Charges

181,436,645 817,084,685

Net Expenditures

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