FY 2024-2025 Final Adopted Budget


Budget 2023-24

Adopted 2024-25

Projected 2025-26


Expenditures by Type Personnel Costs

$ 2,849,474 $ 2,992,664 14,558,677 16,047,595

$ 3,208,218 16,636,319

$ 3,285,419 16,559,118 $ 19,844,537

Maintenance & Operations

Total $ 17,408,152 $ 19,040,259

$ 19,844,537

Revenues by Type Intergovernmental Revenue

$ 241,200 $ 230,000 6,948,523 7,286,000 7,562,175 8,154,000 1,837,446 1,930,537 3,914,507 1,439,722

$ 230,000 7,405,000 8,279,000 1,930,537 2,000,000 $ 19,844,537

$ 230,000 7,405,000 8,279,000 1,930,537 2,000,000

User Charges Other Revenues

Interfund Transfers

Appropriated Fund Balance

Total $ 20,503,851 $ 19,040,259

$ 19,844,537

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