PLANNING Administration: Provides assistance to the community in development and permit review processes; develops and carries out plans in strategic locations and provides general information to decision makers and the public to support quality growth throughout the city. Carries out the adopted Comprehensive Plan, redevelopment plans, and other small area plans to ensure high quality growth and focused development for the community. Administers, enforces, interprets, and amends land development codes and the local Historic Preservation Program. Processes subdivisions, annexation petitions, street closings and other actions as requested. Provides necessary staff support for the Zoning Commission, Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, Historic Preservation Commission, Redevelopment Commission, and other appointed bodies. This program also includes the administration of two Municipal Service Districts. Historic Preservation: Provides administrative support to the Historic Preservation Commission and manages the Historic District Program and the Heritage Community Program. Manages the Municipal Service District program in the College Hill and Dunleath Historic Districts. Maintains the City’s Inventory of Historic Resources and reviews federally funded or licensed projects that may impact historic properties. Zoning Enforcement: The Zoning Enforcement section of the Planning Department is charged with ensuring the City’s Land Development Ordinance is followed in terms of land use and development regulations.

Actual 2020-21

Budget 2021-22

Adopted 2022-23



Expenditures by Program Administration

2,763,734 217,367 267,267 3,248,368

2,225,24 8 138,159 253,019 2,616,42 6

2,291,962 187,284 260,490 2,739,736

2,790,576 218,725 270,379 3,279,680

Historic Preservation Zoning Enforcement


Budget 2021-22

Adopted 2022-23

Projected 2023-24

Actual 2020-21

Full-time Equivalents by Program Administration

22.70 1.00 3.00 26.70

18.90 1.00 3.00 22.90

22.70 1.00 3.00 26.70

18.90 1.00 3.00 22.90

Historic Preservation Zoning Enforcement


Actual 2020-21

Budget 2021-22

Adopted 2022-23

Projected 2023-24

Expenditures by Type Personnel Costs





Adopted 2022-23 Budget


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