COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For Year Ended June 30, 2018


Comprehensive Annual Financial Report F O R T H E F I S C A L Y E A R E N D E D J U N E 30 , 2018

Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018

Prepared by the City of Greensboro, North Carolina Finance Department

Richard L. Lusk, NCCLGFO Finance Director Marlene F. Druga, NCCLGFO Deputy Finance Director- Financial Services Nagesh V. Annambhotla, NCCLGFO

Principal Analyst Linda R. Jones Administrative Assistant

Bobby D. Fitzjohn, NCCLGFO Financial Reporting Manager Christina N. Smith, NCCLGFO Financial Analyst Sarah M. Rupp, NCCLGFO Financial Analyst Arthur D. Lands Accountant Susan C. Smith, NCCLGFO Accountant Anita B. Wilson, NCCLGFO Accounting Manager James R. Holfield, NCCLGFO Business Analyst Jeanne E. Tyndall Business Analyst Elizabeth Y. Lewis Accountant Evin B. Sims Accountant Roberta K. Johnson, NCCLGFO Treasury Manager Amanda J. Cartrette, NCCLGFO Assistant Treasury Manager Jeffery L. Roberts, NCCLGFO Accountant

CITY OF GREENSBORO Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2018

Table of Contents

Exhibit Number



Introductory Section

Letter of Transmittal ....................................................................................................................................................................... I

&HUWLILFDWH RI $FKLHYHPHQW IRU ([FHOOHQFH LQ )LQDQFLDO 5HSRUWLQJ............................................................................................. . X X

2UJDQL]DWLRQDO &KDUW..................................................................................................................................................................XX I

&LW\ 2IILFLDOV..............................................................................................................................................................................XX I I

Financial Section

5HSRUW RI ,QGHSHQGHQW $XGLWRU....................................................................................................................................................... 1

0DQDJHPHQW¶V 'LVFXVVLRQ DQG $QDO\VLV ...................................................................................................................................... 2

Basic Financial Statements: , *RYHUQPHQW :LGH )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV

6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ...........................................................................................$ ................................................. 3

6WDWHPHQW RI $FWLYLWLHV .................................................................................................$ ................................................. 5


%DODQFH 6KHHW *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV..........................................................................$ ................................................. 7

5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI WKH %DODQFH 6KHHW RI *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV WR WKH 6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ..................................................................$ ................................................. 8 6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQGLWXUHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ )XQG %DODQFHV *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV .....................................................................$ ................................................. 9


6WDWHPHQW RI $FWLYLWLHV.............................................................................................$ ............................................... 10


)XQG %DODQFHV %XGJHW WR $FWXDO *HQHUDO )XQG..................................................$ ............................................... 12 6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ 3URSULHWDU\ )XQGV............................................................$ ............................................... 20 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI WKH 6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ RI 3URSULHWDU\ )XQGV WR WKH 6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ««««««««««« «««««« $ ..............................................

Exhibit/ Schedule Number

Page Number

6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQVHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ 3URSULHWDU\ )XQGV...........................................................................$ ............................................... 25 5HFRQFLOLDWLRQ RI WKH 6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQVHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ RI 3URSULHWDU\ )XQGV WR WKH 6WDWHPHQW RI $FWLYLWLHV........................................................................................... $ ............................................... 27 6WDWHPHQW RI &DVK )ORZV 3URSULHWDU\ )XQGV ..........................................................$ ............................................... 28

6WDWHPHQW RI )LGXFLDU\ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ )LGXFLDU\ )XQGV.............................................$ ............................................... 33

6WDWHPHQW RI &KDQJHV LQ )LGXFLDU\ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ )LGXFLDU\ )XQGV..........................$ ...............................................

6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ &RPSRQHQW 8QLWV ..........................................................$ ............................................... 35

6WDWHPHQW RI $FWLYLWLHV &RPSRQHQW 8QLWV................................................................$ ...............................................

,,, 1RWHV WR WKH )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV........................................................................................................................................ 38 Required Supplementary Information: /DZ (QIRUFHPHQW 2I¿FHUV¶ 6SHFLDO 6HSDUDWLRQ $OORZDQFH /(266$ 3HQVLRQ %HQH¿W 7UXVW 6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3HQVLRQ /LDELOLW\ DQG 5HODWHG 5DWLRV.............................1............................................... 39 6FKHGXOH RI (PSOR\HU &RQWULEXWLRQV...........................................................................2............................................... 6FKHGXOH RI ,QYHVWPHQW 5HWXUQV.................................................................................3............................................... 2WKHU 3RVWHPSOR\PHQW %HQH¿W 3ODQ 23(% 7UXVW 6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 23(% /LDELOLW\ DQG 5HODWHG 5DWLRV................................ ............................................... 6FKHGXOH RI (PSOR\HU &RQWULEXWLRQV...........................................................................5............................................... 6FKHGXOH RI ,QYHVWPHQW 5HWXUQV................................................................................. ............................................... /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW (PSOR\HHV¶ 5HWLUHPHQW 6\VWHP (PSOR\HU¶V 3URSRUWLRQDWH 6KDUH RI 1HW 3HQVLRQ /LDELOLW\ $VVHW DQG (PSOR\HU &RQWULEXWLRQV........................................................................................7............................................... Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules: &RPELQLQJ %DODQFH 6KHHW 1RQPDMRU )XQGV *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV ..................................................................................................8............................................... 6SHFLDO 5HYHQXH )XQGV..............................................................................................9............................................... &DSLWDO 3URMHFWV )XQGV..............................................................................................10............................................... 50 &RPELQLQJ 6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQGLWXUHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ )XQG %DODQFHV 1RQPDMRU )XQGV

*RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV ................................................................................................11............................................... 51

6SHFLDO 5HYHQXH )XQGV............................................................................................12...............................................

&DSLWDO 3URMHFWV )XQGV..............................................................................................13............................................... 59

6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ /RQJ 7HUP 'HEW (QWHUSULVH )XQGV DQG :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV &DSLWDO $VVHWV................................................................................... ...............................................

Schedule Number

Page Number

6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQVHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ &RPSRQHQW 8QLW *UHHQVERUR 7UDQVLW $XWKRULW\.......................................15............................................... 6WDWHPHQW RI &DVK )ORZV &RPSRQHQW 8QLW *UHHQVERUR 7UDQVLW $XWKRULW\ ..................... ............................................... 6FKHGXOHV RI 5HYHQXHV DQG ([SHQVHV %XGJHW DQG $FWXDO &RPSRQHQW 8QLW 1RQ *$$3 *UHHQVERUR 7UDQVLW $XWKRULW\ ........................................................................................17............................................... *UHHQVERUR 7UDQVLW $XWKRULW\ *UDQW )XQG .....................................................................18............................................... 70 6FKHGXOHV RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQGLWXUHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ )XQG %DODQFH %XGJHW DQG $FWXDO 6SHFLDO 5HYHQXH )XQGV 6WDWH +LJKZD\ $OORFDWLRQ...............................................................................................19............................................... 73 Cemetery.......................................................................................................................20............................................... 1HLJKERUKRRG 'HYHORSPHQW 5HYROYLQJ.........................................................................23............................................... 77 6SHFLDO 7D[ 'LVWULFWV ...................................................................................................... ............................................... 78 +RXVLQJ 3DUWQHUVKLS 5HYROYLQJ.....................................................................................25............................................... 79 &RPPXQLW\ 'HYHORSPHQW.............................................................................................. ............................................... 80 +20( 3URJUDP.............................................................................................................27............................................... 82 :RUNIRUFH ,QYHVWPHQW $FW .............................................................................................28............................................... 83 6WDWH DQG )HGHUDO *UDQWV $55$ ................................................................................30............................................... 87 (PHUJHQF\ 7HOHSKRQH 6\VWHP .....................................................................................31............................................... 88 'HEW 6HUYLFH )XQG..............................................................................................................32............................................... 90 &DSLWDO 3URMHFWV )XQGV 6WUHHW DQG 6LGHZDON ......................................................................................................33............................................... 92 (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW ................................................................................................22............................................... 6WDWH DQG )HGHUDO *UDQWV..............................................................................................29............................................... +RWHO 0RWHO 2FFXSDQF\ 7D[ ..........................................................................................21............................................... 75

6WDWH +LJKZD\ $OORFDWLRQ............................................................................................... ............................................... 93

*HQHUDO &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQWV .....................................................................................35...............................................

*HQHUDO &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQWV ,, .................................................................................. ............................................... 95


DQG ..........................................37...............................................


$ DQG $...................................38............................................... 97


DQG $.................................39............................................... 98


.......................................................................... ............................................... 99


...................................................................... ............................................. 100


................................................................. ............................................. 101

Schedule Number

Page Number


.............................................................. ............................................. 102

)LUH 6WDWLRQ %RQG ² 6HULHV .................................................................................. ............................................. 103


............................................................... .............................................

6WUHHW ,PSURYHPHQWV %RQG ² 6HULHV ................................................................... ............................................. 105


................................................................. .............................................


....................................................................................... ............................................. 107


....................................................... ............................................. 108


.............................................................................50............................................. 109





(QWHUSULVH )XQGV 6FKHGXOHV RI 5HYHQXHV DQG ([SHQVHV %XGJHW DQG $FWXDO 1RQ *$$3 :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV ...................................................................................................... .............................................. .......................................53..............................................112 3HUSHWXDO &DUH )XQG ............................................................................................................................................................113 ........................................................... ..............................................119 *XLOIRUG &RXQW\ &RQVWUXFWLRQ 3URMHFW........................................................................57............................................. 120 :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQW ....................................................................58............................................. 121 :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV ([WHQVLRQ 3URMHFW .........................................................................59............................................. 122 6WRUPZDWHU 0DQDJHPHQW.......................................................................................... ............................................. 123 6WRUPZDWHU &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQW ............................................................................. ............................................. 125 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV &HQWHU &DSLWDO 3URMHFW ..................................................................... ............................................. 128 &ROLVHXP &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQW %RQG ....................................................................... ............................................. 129 &ROLVHXP &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQW................................................................................. ............................................. 130 6ROLG :DVWH 0DQDJHPHQW ......................................................................................... ............................................. 131 6ROLG :DVWH &DSLWDO ,PSURYHPHQW............................................................................. ............................................. 133 &ROLVHXP ................................................................................................................... ............................................. 3DUNLQJ )DFLOLWLHV....................................................................................................... ............................................. 3DUNLQJ )DFLOLWLHV &DSLWDO 3URMHFW .............................................................................. ............................................. &RPPXQLW\ (FRQRPLF 'HYHORSPHQW %RQG ² 6HULHV :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV %RQG ² 6HULHV ....................................................................55..............................................118 :DWHU 5HVRXUFHV %RQG )XQG ² 6HULHV

3DUNLQJ )DFLOLWLHV %RQG .............................................................................................70............................................. 137

Schedule/ Table Number

Page Number

,QWHUQDO 6HUYLFH )XQGV &RPELQLQJ 6WDWHPHQW RI 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ...........................................................................71............................................. 139 &RPELQLQJ 6WDWHPHQW RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQVHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ..............72............................................. &RPELQLQJ 6WDWHPHQW RI &DVK )ORZV............................................................................73............................................. 6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ /RQJ 7HUP 'HEW ..................................................................... ............................................. 6FKHGXOHV RI 5HYHQXHV ([SHQVHV DQG &KDQJHV LQ )XQG %DODQFH %XGJHW DQG $FWXDO 1RQ *$$3 (TXLSPHQW 6HUYLFHV ......................................................................................................75............................................. 7HFKQLFDO 6HUYLFHV ........................................................................................................ ............................................. 7HFKQLFDO 6HUYLFHV &DSLWDO 3URMHFW................................................................................77............................................. 151 *HQHUDO 5LVN 5HWHQWLRQ.................................................................................................82............................................. &DSLWDO /HDVLQJ .............................................................................................................83............................................. )LGXFLDU\ )XQGV 6WDWHPHQW RI )LGXFLDU\ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ± )LGXFLDU\ )XQGV ................................................ ............................................. 6WDWHPHQW RI &KDQJHV LQ )LGXFLDU\ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ± )LGXFLDU\ )XQGV.............................85............................................. *HQHUDO &DSLWDO DQG 'HEW 6FKHGXOHV 6FKHGXOH RI *HQHUDO &DSLWDO $VVHWV E\ 6RXUFH ............................................................ ............................................. 6FKHGXOH RI *HQHUDO &DSLWDO $VVHWV E\ )XQFWLRQ DQG $FWLYLW\.......................................87............................................. 6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ *HQHUDO &DSLWDO $VVHWV E\ )XQFWLRQ DQG $FWLYLW\....................88............................................. 170 6FKHGXOH RI /RQJ 7HUP 'HEW ........................................................................................89............................................. 172 ,QIRUPDWLRQ 6\VWHPV .....................................................................................................78............................................. 152 (PSOR\HH 5LVN 5HWHQWLRQ..............................................................................................81............................................. 158 *UDSKLF 6HUYLFHV...........................................................................................................79............................................. *XLOIRUG 0HWUR &RPPXQLFDWLRQV....................................................................................80.............................................

6FKHGXOH RI &KDQJHV LQ *HQHUDO /RQJ 7HUP 'HEW .......................................................90.............................................

Statistical Section (unaudited)

, )LQDQFLDO 7UHQGV 1HW 3RVLWLRQ E\ &RPSRQHQW...................................................................................................I............................................. 177 &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ ([SHQVHV 3URJUDP 5HYHQXHV DQG 1HW ([SHQVHV 5HYHQXH........................................................II............................................. 179 &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ *HQHUDO 5HYHQXHV DQG 7RWDO &KDQJHV LQ 1HW 3RVLWLRQ................................................................III............................................. 181 )XQG %DODQFHV *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV................................................................................ IV............................................. 183 &KDQJHV LQ )XQG %DODQFHV *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV.............................................................. V............................................. 185

Schedule/ Table Number

Page Number

,, 5HYHQXH &DSDFLW\ 7D[ 5HYHQXHV E\ 6RXUFH *RYHUQPHQWDO )XQGV................................................................ VI............................................. 187 $QDO\VLV RI &XUUHQW 7D[ /HY\ ............................................................................................. VII............................................. 188 $VVHVVHG 9DOXH DQG (VWLPDWHG $FWXDO 9DOXH RI $OO 7D[DEOH 3URSHUW\............................... VIII............................................. 189 'LUHFW DQG 2YHUODSSLQJ 3URSHUW\ 7D[ 5DWHV ....................................................................... IX............................................. 191 3ULQFLSDO 3URSHUW\ 7D[SD\HUV............................................................................................... X............................................. 192 ,,, 'HEW &DSDFLW\ 5DWLRV RI 2XWVWDQGLQJ 'HEW E\ 7\SH.................................................................................. XII............................................. 5DWLR RI 1HW *HQHUDO 2EOLJDWLRQ %RQGHG 'HEW.................................................................. XIII............................................. 198 &RPSXWDWLRQ RI 'LUHFW DQG 2YHUODSSLQJ %RQGHG 'HEW .....................................................XIV............................................. 200 /HJDO 'HEW 0DUJLQ ,QIRUPDWLRQ ..........................................................................................XV............................................. 201 3OHGJHG 5HYHQXH &RYHUDJH ............................................................................................XVI............................................. 203 ,9 'HPRJUDSKLF DQG (FRQRPLF ,QIRUPDWLRQ 'HPRJUDSKLF DQG (FRQRPLF 6WDWLVWLFV............................................................................XVII............................................. 205 3ULQFLSDO (PSOR\HUV........................................................................................................XVIII............................................. )XOO 7LPH (TXLYDOHQW &LW\ *RYHUQPHQW (PSOR\HHV E\ )XQFWLRQ 3URJUDP........................XIX............................................. 208 9 2SHUDWLQJ ,QIRUPDWLRQ 2SHUDWLQJ ,QGLFDWRUV E\ )XQFWLRQ.......................................................................................XX............................................. 209 &DSLWDO $VVHW 6WDWLVWLFV E\ )XQFWLRQ..................................................................................XXI..............................................211 Single Audit Section 5HSRUW RI ,QGHSHQGHQW $XGLWRUV RQ ,QWHUQDO &RQWURO 2YHU )LQDQFLDO 5HSRUWLQJ DQG 2Q &RPSOLDQFH DQG 2WKHU 0DWWHUV %DVHG RQ DQ $XGLW RI )LQDQFLDO 6WDWHPHQWV 3HUIRUPHG LQ $FFRUGDQFH ZLWK Government Auditing Standards ......................... 5HSRUW RI ,QGHSHQGHQW $XGLWRUV RQ &RPSOLDQFH )RU (DFK 0DMRU )HGHUDO 3URJUDP DQG ,QWHUQDO &RQWURO 2YHU &RPSOLDQFH ,Q $FFRUGDQFH ZLWK 20% 8QLIRUP *XLGDQFH DQG WKH 6WDWH 6LQJOH $XGLW ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ $FW .............................. 5HSRUW RI ,QGHSHQGHQW $XGLWRUV RQ &RPSOLDQFH )RU (DFK 0DMRU 6WDWH 3URJUDP DQG ,QWHUQDO &RQWURO 2YHU &RPSOLDQFH ,Q $FFRUGDQFH ZLWK 8QLIRUP *XLGDQFH DQG WKH 6WDWH 6LQJOH $XGLW ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ $FW........................................ 218 6FKHGXOH RI )LQGLQJV DQG 4XHVWLRQHG &RVWV ............................................................................................................................... 2 20 &RUUHFWLYH $FWLRQ 3ODQ .................................................................................................................................................................. 22 2 6XPPDU\ 6FKHGXOH RI 3ULRU

October 29, 2018

The Honorable Mayor And Members of the City Council Greensboro, North Carolina

The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018, is submitted for your review. This report was prepared by the City's Finance Department and it is the comprehensive publication of the City's financial position and results of operations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018, for all funds and component units of the City. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the presented data and the completeness and fairness of the presentation, including all disclosures, rests with City management. To provide a reasonable basis for making these representations, we have established a comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the government’s assets from loss, theft, or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for the preparation of the City of Greensboro’s financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). Because the cost of internal controls should not outweigh their benefits, the City’s comprehensive framework of internal controls has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free from material misstatement. As management, we believe the data, as presented, is accurate in all material respects and is reported in a manner designed to present fairly the financial position and results of operations of the various funds and component units of the City. All disclosures necessary to enable the reader to gain an understanding of the City's financial activities have been included. The City is required by state law to have an annual independent financial audit. A compliance audit on federal and state financial assistance programs is also required under the Federal Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, and the State Single Audit Implementation Act. Uniform Guidance has also been considered in these financial statements. The independent auditors’ report on the Basic Financial Statements is included in the Financial Section of this report. The independent auditor concluded, based upon the audit that the financial statements of the City of Greensboro present fairly in conformity with GAAP, in all material respects, the financial position of the City of Greensboro, North Carolina, as of June 30, 2018. In addition, the auditors’ reports, required as part of a single audit, are found in the Single Audit Section of this report. This report focuses not only on the fair presentation of the financial statements, but also on the City’s internal controls and compliance with legal requirements involving the administration of state and federal awards. GAAP requires that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the Basic Financial Statements in the form of the Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. In conformity with the standards of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, this report includes all funds of the City, as well as all of its component units. Component units (blended or discrete) are legally separate entities, for which the City is financially accountable. Blended component units are, in substance, part of the City’s operations. The City has one blended component unit, the Greensboro Center City Corporation, reported in the Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Fund. Discretely presented component units are not considered to be part of the City’s primary operations and, therefore, are reported in total as a separate column to differentiate their financial position, results of operations and cash flows from those of the City. The Greensboro Housing Development Partnership, Inc., the Greensboro Transit Authority, the Greensboro Redevelopment Commission, and the Greensboro ABC Board are presented as discrete component units. Additional information on the blended and discretely presented component units can be found in Note I. A.

PROFILE OF THE GOVERNMENT The City of Greensboro is located in central piedmont North Carolina, midway between Washington, D.C. and Atlanta. The Town was incorporated in 1808 and is the county seat of Guilford County. Greensboro has a population of 290,201 and presently covers a land area of approximately 135 square miles. In the past 10 years population growth has averaged 1 to 2 percent per year with the most notable increase of 5.7 percent occurring between 2007 and 2008, due primarily to significant City-initiated annexations in the northwest region. Since 2000, 16,143 acres were added or 25 square miles, an increase of 23 percent. The City is empowered to levy a property tax on the appraised value of all real and certain categories of tangible personal property located in the City. The County is the only other unit levying such taxes within the City's corporate limits. The City is also empowered by state statute to extend its corporate limits by annexation, which occurs periodically when deemed appropriate by the governing council . Approximately 205 acres were annexed during the fiscal year 2017-18. The City operates as a Council-Manager form of government. The Council is the policy-making and legislative body of City government and includes a Mayor and eight Council members who serve four-year concurrent terms. The Mayor and three Council members are elected at-large and the remaining five Council members are elected from districts within the City. The Mayor is a voting member and the presiding officer of the Council. A Mayor Pro Tempore is selected by the Council from its members. The City Manager is appointed by the Council as Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for carrying out the policies and ordinances of the Council and administering the daily operations and programs of the City through appointed department directors and staff members. The City provides services to its citizens in the following areas: police, fire, transportation, waste collection and disposal, water resources, parks and recreation, libraries, neighborhood development, public improvements and general administration. The City also operates an arena, exhibition building complex, aquatic center, golf course facilities, downtown parking facilities and government access cable television.


The budget serves as the foundation for the City’s financial planning and control. Annually, the City Manager presents a proposed budget to Council for review as well as to the citizens of Greensboro for questions and/or concerns. North Carolina General Statutes require all governmental units to adopt a balanced budget by July 1 of each year for all funds for which a budget is required. Activities of the General Fund, Special Revenue Funds (except for Grant Project Funds), Debt Service Fund, and Proprietary Funds are included in the annual appropriated budget. Project-length financial plans are adopted for Grant and Capital Projects Funds. The City Manager may make transfers of appropriations within funds and department heads may make transfers of appropriations within a department. Transfers of appropriations between funds, however, require approval by the City Council. Budget- to-actual comparisons are provided in this report for each individual governmental fund for which an appropriated annual budget has been adopted. Budgetary control is facilitated by the use of a personnel/payroll data system that requires every position, including applicable fringe benefits, be budgeted. Also, the North Carolina General Statutes require an encumbrance system and a finance officer’s “preaudit” certification that budgeted funds are available prior to the placement of all purchase orders, contracts and electronic payments. Outstanding purchase orders and contracts are reported as a restriction of fund balance at June 30, 2018 in the category “Stabilization by State Statute.” The appropriated budget is prepared by fund, function (e.g., public safety), and department (e.g., police). A budgetary comparison for the General Fund is presented beginning on page 12 as part of the Basic Financial Statements. Detailed budget to actual comparisons for other funds with annual and project-length budgets are presented in the supplementary information subsection of this report, which starts on page 68. COUNCIL BUDGET PRIORITIES Four strategic goals are the primary focus of funding within the City’s budget:  Economic Development and Job Creation – The City’s approach to economic development focuses on promoting job creation, facilitating private business and expansion, utilizing community development grants, bonds and other resources to advance economic development and infrastructure development, and providing enhanced access to City contracting opportunities. The Economic Development Fund is supported by a one-half cent property tax levy that generates approximately $1.39 million per year. Since FY 14-15, the City revised its Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (MWBE) program with a new coordinator and staff, advancing goals of promoting an inclusive bidding process. A disparity study update was completed in FY17-18 to assess the effectiveness of efforts to achieve MWBE goals. City Council will consider recommendations from the study for enhancements to the MWBE Program in early FY 18-19. Another update to be completed over the next fiscal year is the City’s Comprehensive Plan, a guiding document that articulates the vision, goals and action plan for Greensboro through 2025. In November 2016, Greensboro citizens authorized $38.5 million general obligation bonds dedicated to economic development efforts for downtown streetscape improvements, continuing development for Union Square Campus, Citywide infill development and investments in east Greensboro. The FY 18-19 budget includes economic development incentive payments to HAECO, Ecolab and Charles Aris for existing industry expansion projects that will create at least 581 new jobs and capital investment of $95.6 million. The Economic Development Fund Budget also includes support for the NC A&T Track Event, regional economic development initiatives through the Guilford County Economic Development Alliance, and $500,000 to support Economic Development programs identified through the Community Partners Board process.  Public Safety – During FY 17-18, the Police Department continued its focus on increasing community collaboration and partnerships to address crime trends, improving police facilities, and ensuring the department remains at the forefront of innovative police initiatives. The department continues to work with community stakeholders on the Safer City Summit initiative, a community grass roots collaborative addressing violent crime. There is also a concerted effort to work with Guilford County partners in addressing the opioid crisis through education and identifying community resources and programs to better assist those experiencing opioid-related addictions and life-threatening overdoses. The Department launched its first year of the “Students Overcoming Situations” program in partnership with the Greensboro Police Foundation and Guilford County Schools to teach the value of safety and decision making through social and emotional learning competencies. To date the program has engaged over 850 first and fifth grade students from various schools throughout the city. III

 Infrastructure / Growth – Greensboro residents passed bond referenda in 2006, 2008 and 2009 authorizing borrowing of more than $228 million for streets, fire stations, parks and other improvements. Much of these projects are complete with the remaining $65 million, mostly street improvements, scheduled for the next two to three years. The successful 2016 $126 million bond referendum also includes $34.5 million for new parks capital improvements. $5.0 million are programmed for the initial development of the Battleground Parks District, an innovative concept that will integrate the current recreation options at the City’s Country Park with nearby Guilford Courthouse Military Park and the Greensboro Science Center. $3.0 million are allocated to citywide improvements to Greensboro’s many public tennis courts, and $4.5 million are included for further development at Gateway Gardens and Barber Park. For transportation enhancements, $4.5 million are allocated to new transit buses, $5 million for new sidewalk and intersection improvements, and $500,000 for renovations to the Galyon Depot and $18 million for street resurfacing. Voters also approved $25 million for various housing efforts, including $8 million for a Workforce Housing Initiative designed to make housing more affordable for working families with incomes slightly above poverty designations. Funds to support affordable multi-family housing, emergency repair programs, and housing for homeless and disabled veterans are also included. The City’s proposed FY 2019-2028 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) totals $1.39 billion in identified projects and outlines a future financing plan to maintain our current infrastructure and develop new facilities as needed. Nearly 45% of the entire proposed Capital Improvements Plan is devoted to the City’s water and sewer infrastructure.  Customer Service/Diverse Workforce and Fiscal Management – The City’s focus on customer service, fiscal stewardship, transparency and accountability ensures the City has the right people doing the right job. The budget continues a variety of employee development initiatives, including MentorMe (employee to employee mentoring program), Toastmasters, and development programs, such as Leadership Edge and Leadership Prime, designed for employees wishing to pursue supervisory roles in the organization. The FY18-19 budget includes an average 3.0% merit increase for all employees, based on performance evaluation. The recommended budget includes funding to advance sworn police and fire personnel to the appropriate next steps in the Public Safety Step Program. Finally, this budget maintains external competitiveness by adjusting general and executive pay structures by 2%. Greensboro's diverse economy is attributed to its unique blend of trade, manufacturing and service businesses as well as its universities and colleges. Local industry is characterized by the production of a wide range of products, including aircraft, machinery, electronics equipment, textiles, apparel and tobacco, and expansion in the aircraft maintenance, transportation and financial services industries. Five of the top 60 companies on the Fortune 500 list have operations in Greensboro, these include: Proctor & Gamble, UPS, FedEx, AT&T and UnitedHealth Group. This area experiences an excellent market location which has access to all major domestic and international markets from Interstate Highways 40, and 85 and the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA). Construction is underway for a new interstate system (I-73) that will span North Carolina, joining Detroit and Charleston, including Greensboro en route. In northern Greensboro, U.S. 29, between Danville and Greensboro, has also been designated as Interstate 785. The Urban Loop , a 44-mile state-constructed beltway around Greensboro, is in progress at a cost of approximately $1 billion, funded by the N.C. Legislature. There are four projects in various stages of construction that will complete the loop around the city, starting at the western end near Piedmont Triad International Airport and working eastward to U.S. 70. The Southern, Eastern and portions of the Western Loop have been completed and are currently open. Construction on the last leg of the Western loop is to be completed in 2020 and the Northern loop is to be completed by 2022, concluding the entire project. FACTORS AFFECTING FINANCIAL CONDITION A. Local Economy


Nearly one-third of the Piedmont Triad region’s transportation/logistics clusters of industries are located in the greater Greensboro area, and the Colonial Pipeline serves the area with a large fuel transfer/storage facility near PTIA. The region hopes to continue to build on these strengths with an initiative to create an “aerotropolis” aimed at positioning the Triad as the global logistics center of the U.S. East Coast. This will help recoup some of the jobs lost in the textile and furniture industries over the past two decades. The Triad's location, halfway between New York and Florida and Atlanta and Washington, D.C., and the fact that half of the U.S. population is within 650 miles (1,046 km.), are major advantages. FedEx and Honda Aircraft are expected to create approximately 200,000 jobs over a 16-year period. Major industrial and business parks , with fully developed infrastructure, continue to develop in and around PTIA, covering about 1,000 acres with more than 50 companies and approximately 4,000 employees. Existing office and industrial facilities located within 2½ miles of the I-40 airport exit include more than three million square feet of office, office/showroom, warehouse/distribution, light industrial and hotel space. The FedEx hub at PTIA should generate more demand for office and other tenants associated with operations that need to be close to a logistics hub. Eight tracks of developable land, either with current or future runway access are being offered, with all utilities to the sites already installed. In June 2012, PTIA developed plans for $350 million in projects including building a taxiway over a future interstate, buying more land, moving roads, relocating a radar tower and grading large tracts of land. The work will open approximately 900 acres for aviation-related development. The projects will be partially funded by the airport with existing revenues, but additional funding will be needed from federal, state and local assistance with participation from both the public and the private sector. A $34 million taxiway features a 214-foot wide bridge over future Interstate 73 (I-73). This portion of the program was completed during the summer of 2017 for both I-73 and the taxiway bridge. The project connects the airport to hundreds of acres within a mile of the runway and will help attract large aviation tenants. This developed area is anticipated to produce nearly 18,500 jobs, $3.2 billion in economic impact and more than $113 million annually in state and local tax revenue. The number of people flying from PTIA has continued to grow - up 10 percent from 2017 to 2018. For the calendar year ending on December 31, 2017, approximately 55 scheduled daily departures carried 879,198 enplaned passengers. The aviation industry is one of the critical business sectors of the Triad’s economic development strategy. With the ongoing collaboration of the public and private sector organizations and the educational community, the Triad is poised for strong future growth in aeronautics. Local aviation-related businesses draw heavily from the aviation workforce training program at Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) whose program has grown steadily in recent years. In 2014, GTCC completed a $10 million facility on a 23-acre campus at PTIA called Aviation III, to house its aviation management and pilot programs as well as customized industry training. The addition of the new facility allows GTCC to expand training to approximately 900 students each semester. GTCC’s aviation program is one of the largest in North Carolina and serves as a model for other community colleges. The college recently added a fifth degree program to GTCC’s aviation training, aerostructures manufacturing and repair, that will prepare students for specialization in an industrial and advanced manufacturing setting. PTIA is also the corporate headquarters of HAECO Americas , formerly known as TIMCO Aviation Services. HAECO provides aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul services, and acquired TIMCO Aviation services for $388 million in 2014. The company has 1,600 employees at PTIA and additional employees at its interiors manufacturing facility in neighboring Davidson County. It services both wide-body and small body aircraft and is able to provide both high-end interiors for luxury airliners as well as more modest coach configurations. In addition to the four existing hangars in operation, HAECO completed a new $60 million, 250,000 square- foot hanger at PTIA in 2018. The new hanger could create up to 500 jobs when fully occupied. The City has offered an economic incentive grant of $400,000 to be paid out over five years if certain jobs are created Honda Aircraft Company, a division of Honda Motor Company, has invested $140 million to establish its world headquarters at the 130-acre campus at PTIA in Greensboro. With manufacturing, testing, training, maintenance V

and customer service facilities, the company currently employs 1,700 people in the area. Following 12 years of design and testing, the HondaJet HA-420, a lightweight 7-passenger jet, received all required FAA certifications and was delivered to its first customer in 2015. HondaJet has subsequently received certifications world-wide and has established a dealer and sales network to provide service and support globally. In 2018, HondaJet unveiled and began delivery of their latest aircraft, the HondaJet Elite. The new aircraft provides improved flight range with an auxiliary fuel tank, increased payload, reduced vibration and cabin noise, enhanced avionics, and greater cabin space. HondaJet was named the most-delivered jet in its category for the first half of 2018 by the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, delivering 17 aircraft to customers, with a total of 85 deliveries to date. The company expects HondaJet and HondaJet Elite to be formidable players in the light business jet market, with annual production expected to reach 80 units per year by mid-2019. Greensboro’s City Council had previously approved an economic incentive grant in the amount of $523,750 ($1,250 per new job) for Honda Aircraft Company. The grant was provided for the purpose of real property improvements, new equipment and creating jobs. Federal Express began operating a major aircraft hub and cargo handling facility at PTIA in 2009. The cargo handling facility is located on an approximately 160 acre site that has been leased by the Authority to Federal Express for an initial term of 25 years. The cost of the $500 million cargo handling facility was funded by Federal Express, and the Authority constructed a new 9,000-foot public runway parallel to an existing runway, as well as related taxiway, airfield and road improvements. In 2018, the FedEx Mid-Atlantic hub plans to nearly double existing operations, adding eight net new flights and up to 400 new jobs, bringing total employment at the PTIA hub to more than 800 employees. In nearby Kernersville, the expansive FedEx Ground distribution center is part of an ongoing nationwide network expansion and transit time acceleration plan to boost daily package volume capacity and further enhance the speed and service capabilities of its network. The 415,000 square foot hub has a workforce of 550 full and part-time employees and about 200 independent contractor opportunities. This facility features the latest in automated handling technology and can process 24,000 packages per hour. With projected future expansion, the hub could eventually process 45,000 packages per hour serving the Southeast Region. To further augment this growing logistics network, United Parcel Service (UPS) Ground has a more than 280,000 square foot small package operations hub capable of sorting more than 59,000 packages per hour. UPS Freight has a facility which moves approximately 1 million pounds of freight daily. Together with its High Point operations, UPS employs over 2,000 people in the area (Greensboro Economic Development Alliance).

In the City’s downtown area, a Business Improvement District (BID) was established in FY 2005 with an additional separate tax rate assessed for properties within the district boundaries. Currently the district tax is $.08 per $100 valuation. The BID generated approximately $698.1 thousand in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 from property taxes, to be used for downtown improvement projects. A variety of activities have been completed, including new housing developments, business location loans, business facade improvements, landscaping and public safety programs. In FY 2013, City Council adopted aspects of a “Good Repair” Ordinance to further enhance the attractiveness of downtown sites.

In 2005, a $20 million minor league baseball stadium with a 7,499 seat capacity, opened with annual attendance averaging over 350,000 for the past five years. After 16 years of affiliation with the Miami Marlins, the Greensboro “Grasshoppers”, a Class A affiliate team, has agreed to a two-year player development contract with the Pittsburgh Pirates. The owners of the “Grasshoppers”, Greensboro Baseball LLC, purchased the First National Bank Field for $12.8 million, becoming one of just a handful of groups that own the park where their team plays. VI

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