COG Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Internal Service Funds

Equipment Services Fund

This fund accounts for the costs of operating a maintenance facility for automotive equipment used by City departments. The costs of providing this service are billed to user departments. Automotive equipment is owned by the Equipment Services Fund.

Technical Services Fund

This fund accounts for the City’s two-way radio system and the Police mobile data system, including any peripheral equipment, except the computer hardware or software. The user departments are billed for the costs of operation.

Information Systems Fund

This fund accounts for the costs of operating, maintaining and supporting the City’s network, server and telecommunications infrastructure. The user departments are billed for the costs of operation.

Graphic Services Fund

This fund accounts for all in-house printing services provided to the City, Guilford County and other agencies. The cost of providing this service is billed to user departments and agencies.

Guilford Metro Communications Fund

This fund was established to account for emergency communications administration that is funded by the City and Guilford County.

Employee Risk Retention Fund

This fund is maintained for self-funding of employee health, dental and workers’ compensation coverage. The employees’ premium and the City’s contribution are deposited in this fund. Payments for workers’ compensation coverage are made to a third-party administrator for the statement of claims plus administrative expenses. The City administers the employee dental coverage plan. Health coverage is provided by a health insurance provider and claims are paid from this fund.

General Risk Retention Fund

This fund was established to accumulate claim reserves and to pay claims and administrative fees for general liability, vehicle liability, public official liability, law enforcement liability and underground storage tank liability, in the City’s self-funding program.

Capital Leasing Fund

This fund was established to account for major equipment purchases financed with lease-purchase agreements or certificates of participation.


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