Budget Manual 2020
Budget Manual
Questica What is Questica?
Questica is a web-based software that is primarily used for developing the operating budget for the next two fiscal years. Within the budget system there are three stages in the budget development cycle: Department Request (base budget), Manager’s Recommended, and Final Adopted. Who uses Questica? Budget representatives (“Budget Reps”) are typically responsible for departmental Questica entries. In most cases, departments are limited to one Questica user. All members of the Budget & Evaluation staff are also Questica users. The administrative user for the City is the Budget Database Specialist. Please call extension x2285 for Questica support. What information is entered into Questica? Budget Reps enter their department’s base budget into Questica during the Department Request stage. This includes Personal accounts, Maintenance & Operation accounts, Capital Outlay requests, and anticipated revenues. However, changes to most personnel and benefit accounts changes can only be completed by the Budget Database Specialist. Service Enhancements and/or Service Reductions are also typically entered during the Department Request stage, pending approval for further review by the City Manager’s Office. For more information about the Service Enhancement process, please refer to the “Operating Budget Instructions” section of the Budget Manual. Some Budget Reps may be responsible for entering one or more Internal Service Fund base budgets. Questica is open for Internal Service Fund budget entries prior to all other department request entries. Please refer to the annual Budget Calendar on CityNet for specific dates. How do I use Questica? User instructions and tips can be found in the “Questica 101” training document on CityNet. The Budget Database Specialist holds an in-person Questica 101 training each Fall, as well as offers one-on-one training and support to all Questica users throughout the year.
Budget Applications E-5
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