2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

-23 3 State Programs Powell Bill: 2020 Allocation 2021 Allocation

Schedule of Expenditures of State Awards For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021



Total State Expenditures

State Grantor/Program Title


Award Number

Department of Cultural and Natural Resources: Office of Arts and Libraries: State Aid to Public Libraries


340,773 340,773

Total Office of Arts and Libraries

Total Department of Cultural and Natural Resources


Department of Commerce: Publix Sewer Project

1,038,242 1,038,242


Total Department of Commerce

Office of State Budget and Management: Disaster Recovery Grant

11,800 11,800

Total Office State Budget and Management

Passed through the North Carolina Recreation & Park Association: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mini Grant

1,500 1,500

Total North Carolina Recreation & Park Association

Department of Public Safety: Division of Emergency Management:

Regional Hazardous Materials Response Team - 2020-21 COVID-19: Federal Emergency Management Assistance COVID-19: Federal Emergency Management Assistance

RRT 5 - 2021

68,671 20,305

104,549 **

Total Division of Emergency Management


Total Department of Public Safety


Department of Transportation:

Federal Transit Administration: Metropolitan Transportation Planning and State and Non-Metropolitan Planning and Research: 20-08-105 - Section 5303 Metro Planning - 2019-20

20.505 20.505

WBS: 36230.15.19.6 WBS: 36230.15.20.6

4,621 14,204 18,825

21-08-105 - Section 5303 Metro Planning - 2020-21

Total Federal Transit Administration

Highway Planning, Research and Construction Cluster: U-5306 B - Street Improvement

20.205 20.205 20.205

WBS: 47026.2, 47026.3 WBS: 45484.2.1, 45484.3.1

1,064,012 1,619,521

U-5326 - Intersection Improvement EB-5518 - Latham Park Greenway

WBS: 50034.1.1, 50034.2.1, 50034.3.1


Total Highway Planning, Research and Construction Cluster


Department of Transportation - Miscellaneous: 20-UM-105 Urban State Match


WBS: 47401.3.1

127,044 127,044

Total Department of Transportation- Miscellaneous

2,248,345 3,546,001 5,794,346

WBS: 32570 WBS: 32570

Total Powell Bill

Total Department of Transportation


Total State Financial Assistance



** Denotes prior year expenditures reimbursed in current fiscal year

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