2021 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

Federal Programs Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2021



Passed Through Total Federal

Federal Grantor/Pass-Through Grant or/Program Title


Award Number

to Subrecipients


Department of Transportation: Federal Transit Cluster: Section 5307 Operating Assistance Section 5307 Capital & Operating FY19 COVID-19: CARES Act Section 5307 Section 5339 Bus Replacement FY19 Section 5339b Bus Depot Renovation FY16

20.507 20.507 20.507 20.526 20.526 20.507

NC-2020-065-00 NC-2019-035-00 NC-2020-023-00 NC-2019-034-00 NC-2017-058-00 NC-2019-019-00


2,802,549 $ **


4,139,827 40,403 861,544 816,148 8,746,863

CMAQ Flex to 5307

Total Federal Transit Cluster


Transit Services Programs Cluster: Section 5310 Enhance Mobility - 2020 Total Transit Services Programs Cluster Public Transportation Innovation: Innovation-Security Grant Federal Railroad Administration: Railroad Tresspassing Grant Total Public Transportation Innovation Total Federal Railroad Administration Passed through NC Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration: Section 5303 Metro Planning - 2019-20 Section 5303 Metro Planning - 2020-21 C-5555 E - Guilford College/New Garden Rd B-5553 - Ballinger Road Bridge Replacement EL-5101 DJ - Sidewalk Construction EL-5101 DL - Sidewalk Improvement EL-5101 DM - Sidewalk Construction EB-5518 - Latham Park Greenway EB-5716 - Holden Rd/Lindsay St Sidewalk EB-5876 - Holden Road Sidewalk EB-5877 - Farmington Sidewalk EB-5883 - Wendover Avenue Sidewalk EB-6033 F - Safe Routes to School Non-infrastructure U-5532 A - Aycock & Walker Pedestrian Improvement U-5532 E - General Sidewalk Improvement U-5532 F - General Sidewalk Improvement U-5306 B - Streets Improvement Total Federal Transit Administration Highway Planning, Research and Construction Programs Cluster: State Planning & Research/PL 104(f)Funds 2021 Total Highway Planning, Research and Construction Programs Cluster



34,043 34,043

246,767 246,767 34,400 34,400 40,000 40,000







20.505 20.505

WBS: 36230.15.19.6 WBS: 36230.15.20.6

36,971 113,629 150,600


569,530 10,092 125,466 3,997,447 3,327,541 2,327,575 423,890 178,380

20.205-5 20.205

WBS: 40435.1.11, 47848.1.2 WBS: 45540.1, 45540.2, 45540.3 WBS: 46311.1, 46311.2, 46311.3 WBS: 41823.1, 41823.2, 41823.3 WBS: 41823.1, 41823.2, 41823.3 WBS: 50034.1.1, 50034.2.1, 50034.3.1 WBS: 41823.1, 41823.3

20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205 20.205

WBS: 50412.3.1 WBS: 47271.3.1

24,262 11,951 133,009 34,849

WBS: 47272.1, 47272.2, 47272.3

WBS: 47279.1.1 WBS: 48778.4.7


4,256,048 453,661

WBS: 47026.2, 47026.3

WBS: 46297.1, 46297.2, 46297.3

80 80

WBS: 46297.3 WBS: 46297.3.7



Total Department of Transportation



Department of the Interior: Passed through NC Department of Cultural Resources: Office of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office Federal Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY19

15.904 15.904 15.916

10,540 10,000

10,540 10,000 210,731 231,271

Federal Historic Preservation Fund Grant FY20

LWCF Keeley Park Phase 2 Grant

Total Office of Archives and History State Historic Preservation Office


Total Department of Interior



Total Federal Financial Assistance

10,945,038 $

48,061,719 $

** Denotes prior year expenditures associated with grant awarded this fiscal year.

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