Test Legal Handbook 2022


August 11, 2022 Mayor and City Council Ch uck Watts, City Attorney

SUBJECT: Agenda Items

Delegation of Powers on an Administrative Level; Review and Analysis of Council


Over the years the City Council, either through state enabling legislation, policy or city ordinance, has delegated certain functions to be handled on an administrative level. Some of the matters which have been delegated are listed as follows:

1. Adoption and implementation of traffic regulations. 2. Approval of bids and awarding of contracts for purchases.

3. Approval of bids and awarding contracts for construction up to $300,000.00. 4. Approval of bids and awarding service contracts up to and including $300,000.00. 5. Administration of contracts and notices to terminate. 6. Ordinances authorizing repair, closing or demolition of substandard structures (delegated to Housing Commission). 7. Revoking of certificates of convenience and necessity (taxicabs). 8. Refunds and rebates for erroneous taxes, assessments and utility charges under $20,000.00 11. Approval of change orders and extensions in construction contracts not exceeding $20,000.00. 12. Sale of surplus personal property provided that advertisement and solicitation for bids have been duly sought. 13. Approval of beer and wine applications. 14. Lease of city-owned real property for a period not exceeding seven years. 15. Settlement of claims in favor of the City for injury to personal property in an amount not exceeding $300,000.00; settlement of claims against the City of personal injury and property damages not exceeding amounts. 16. Blanket policy authorizing correction of erroneous accounts contained in resolutions. 17. Blanket policy authorizing automatic advertising for sale of city owned real estate where offers are received. 9. Permits for: soliciting, parades and street preaching. 10. Approval of subdivision plats (Planning Board).

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