ServiceCatalog FY15-16
E-MAIL SERVICE Contact: Network Services Manager, Rodney Roberts: 412-6158
FACT: The City’s email system sends and receives approximately 60,000 emails each week.
What is this service?
Electronic messaging provides worldwide connectivity within and outside the organization. It refers to the ability to send, receive, and store email.
What is included?
Spam Filter
RightFax Service
1.2 GB Storage
Sync Email to mobile devices
Virus Protection
Web Mail
Included in monthly Network charge (Appendix A)
How do we charge?
Major Cost Drivers
Number of accounts in use
Hardware support
Storage management
Operations and engineering support
Mobile device management
Spam control
Defined Response Time:
What should you expect?
Critical………………….2 hrs
Service availability: 24x7 service availability (maintenance windows will be scheduled during non- business hours)
High Priority………..Same day
Medium Priority…..2 days
Low Priority…………3 days
How can you help?
1. Purge or archive e-mails every month
2. Refrain from forwarding large files to multiple users; instead, use shared storage drives
3. Do not attach graphics or backgrounds to your email signature, this requires additional storage space
City of Greensboro
FY 15-16 IT Service Catalog
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