Program Guide Winter/Spring 2024
DELTA H. FENCING Class teaches youth and adults the sport of fencing. Participants learn how to fence in preparation for tournaments and personal non competitive recreation. Glenwood Recreation Center 10+ | Mondays & Fridays | 6:30 8:30 pm 336-373-2929 $
FAMILY HIKES Parents and family members of children 2-10 years old will accompany children and staff on the hike. We will start off the hikes with a quick activity/craft and then take a 1-mile hike through various trails. Each date will be held at a different trail. Various Locations All Ages | March 22, April 26, May 17 | 4-5:30 pm 336-373-2481 FLOOR HOCKEY This sport offers exercise, camaraderie, and the opportunity to learn and play this unique sport. Craft Recreation Center All Ages | Mondays | 7-9 pm 336-373-2922 GAMES GALORE Play some of your favorite tabletop games and meet new people. Griffin Recreation Center Thursdays | 11:30 am to 1:30 pm We welcome everyone, to come gather regularly to play and study chess on a social and competitive level. Lewis Recreation Center All Ages | Wednesdays | 6-9 pm 336-373-3330 IVY GARDEN CLUB Foster healthy living and eating through hands on experiences, informative workshops, presentations, quick cooking demonstrations, recipe sharing, and more. Brown Recreation Center All Ages | 1st & 3rd Mondays | 6-7 pm 336-373-2920 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 336-373-2928 GREENSBORO CHESS CLUB
12+ | Mondays-Thursdays | 2-9 pm 336-373-7999 CAROLINA DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Committed to improving the relationships between dogs and their families through obedience training. We teach you to train your dog. Lewis Recreation Center All Ages | Tuesdays | 6-9 pm 336-373-3330 CAROLINA NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY Learn more about the technical side of photography and exploring nature through the lens of a camera. Griffin Recreation Center Ages 18+ | 2nd Monday | 6:30-8:30 pm FREE $$$ These classes prepare dancers for Chinese candle-dancing ceremonies and festivals. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Wednesdays | 7-8:30 pm 336-373-2929 DANCE FLAVA WITH SHAYNA This high-energy class will get you up and moving as you learn the latest Zumba moves and improve your health. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Tuesdays | 6:45-7:45 pm Saturdays | 10:45-11:45 am 336-373-2929 DANCEFUNKXION FITNESS Discover the joy of movement while reaping the health benefits of exercise through dance. Griffin Recreation Center 18+ | Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays | 6-7 pm 336-373-2928 $$ $ FREE 336-373-2928 CHINESE FOLK & CLASSICAL DANCE
Join us every Thursday evening for a casual, social run or walk. The group typically covers 2-4 miles. All fitness abilities welcome.
LoFi Park, Downtown Greenway All Ages | Thursdays | 6-7 pm 336-373-5826 DOWNTOWN GREENWAY WALKING TOURS
Enjoy a guided walking tour of the 4-mile multi-use urban loop. Connect with our local history, nature, public art, and more! LoFi Park, Downtown Greenway All Ages | February 17, March 16, April 13, May 18 | 9 am to 12 noon 336-373-5826 DURAFL COMMUNITY WATCH A community watch group that meets to discuss community programs, issues, group policies, and safety measures. FREE
Glenwood Recreation Center 1 8+ | 2nd Monday | 7-8 pm 336-373-2929 FAMILY FISHING
Join Parks and Recreation Staff for a fun catch-and-release family fishing program. Lake Higgins All Ages | April 6, May 18 | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-2481
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