Program Guide Winter/Spring 2024
Your guide to Greensboro Parks and Recreation
Thrill seekers rejoice! Greensboro, High Point, and Guilford County are making it easy for you to find outdoor fun with the Piedmont Discovery mobile phone app. The free app for Android or Apple devices covers all public facilities owned by Gibsonville, Greensboro, Guilford County, High Point, Jamestown, Oak Ridge, Pleasant Garden, Stokesdale, and Summerfield, North Carolina. The app lets you explore destinations near you, sort trail information by type of terrain and level of difficulty, and get directions and links for additional information. You can use it to find unique park amenities, like cricket fields or campgrounds, at locations countywide. Download it now at: Adventure IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!
Discover GREENSBORO Discover Greensboro is your guide to all things Greensboro Parks and Recreation! The guide is published three times a year, January-May, June-August, and September-December. Discover Greensboro is available in print and online at You can find a complete listing of all our facilities including, but not limited to, recreation centers, athletic fields, trails, neighborhood parks, and more on our website.
To register online for programs and activities please go to
Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department believes in the value of inclusive recreation opportunities for all residents regardless of their ability. The department makes every effort to ensure inclusive opportunities in all program services including parks, facilities, programs, special events, and classes. For questions about Inclusion Support Services, please contact 336-373-2626 or
Donations can be made to the Greensboro Parks Foundation. For more information, please contact 336-373-5960.
No Cost $1 - 25 $26 - 50 $51 - 75 $75 + Price Guide FREE $ $$ $$$ $$$$
Contents Welcome................................................................. 2 Active Adult Programs..........................................5 Adaptive & Inclusive Programs............................9 Youth Programs....................................................11 Sports Programs .................................................15 Activities............................................................... 17 Outdoor Adventure..............................................22 Feature: Windsor Chavis Nocho ........................23 Special Events......................................................27 Outdoor Facilities.................................................31 Indoor Facilities..................................................33 Feature: Camille's Closet....................................36 Summer Camp......................................................37
Gillespie Golf Course
Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:30-6 pm 336-373-7564 BOOKED FOR LUNCH BOOK CLUB Read a book, grab your lunch, and get ready to discuss! Smith Active Adult Center 2nd Friday | 12 noon 336-373-7564 CARDS & GAMES Drop in to play some of your favorite card and board games. Trotter Active Adult Center 3rd Thursdays | 2-4 pm 336-373-2927 CARING & SHARING CLUB Looking for some friendly card playing competition? Join us each week for competitive games of Bid Whist and Pinochle. 336-373-5854 CHAIR YOGA Gentle yoga practiced sitting in a chair. Smith and Trotter Active Adult Centers Smith: • Tuesdays | 10:15-11:15 am Trotter: • Thursdays | 11:30 am to 12:15 pm Join Swann Chess Club Coordinator Carlton Cunningham and exercise your mind with this invigorating game. Trotter Active Adult Center 2nd & 4th Tuesdays | 5:30-7:30 pm 336-373-2927 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE Windsor Recreation Center Tuesdays | 9 am to 1 pm 336-373-7564 CHESS CLUB
Mixed Media Coloring Cliub
AHOY EXERCISE CLASSES “Add Health to Our Years” with these low impact aerobics classes. Brown, Griffin, Leonard, Lewis, Lindley, and Peeler Recreation Centers; Smith and Trotter Active Adult Centers Brown: • Tuesdays & Thursdays | 9:15 am Griffin: • Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10:30 am Leonard: • Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 10:30 am Lewis: • Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 9:15 am Lindley: • Tuesdays & Thursdays | 2:15 pm Peeler: •Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10:30 am Smith: • Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Saturdays | 9:15 am • Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:30 pm Trotter: • Mondays & Saturdays | 10:30 am • Wednesdays & Fridays | 11:15 am 336-373-7564 BOOTCAMP 30-minute class has intervals of cardio and strength training for a total body workout. Smith Active Adult Center FREE FREE
This 30-minute class will help increase muscular strength to improve range of motion and balance using weights and rubber tubing for resistance. Smith Active Adult Center Tuesdays | 5:30-6 pm 336-373-7564 GAMES GALORE Play some of your favorite tabletop games and meet new people. Griffin Recreation Center Thursdays | 11:30 am to 1:30 pm 336-373-2928 HONEY BEE HELPERS Service groups meets weekly. Must know how to crochet, knit, or sew to join. Registration is required. Smith Active Adult Center Mondays | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-7564 FREE FREE
Programs for adults 50 years old and better. More info: or 336-373-7564.
RECIPE CLUB Calling all seasoned cooks! Come share your favorite homemade dishes and recipes all while learning some new ones! FREE
HULA HOOPING This fun class incorporates dance and fluid movements to strengthen your core and back. Trotter Active Adult Center Saturdays | 11:30 am to 12:30 pm 336-373-2927 LINE DANCING Exercise and learn all of the latest line dances. Trotter Active Adult Center FREE $
Smith: • Thursdays | 5:30-6:30 pm 336-373-7564 TOPS (TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY) Tools and programs for healthy living and weight management with exceptional group fellowship and recognition. Windsor and Lindley Recreation Centers Windsor: • Mondays | 4-5:30 pm Lindley: • Tuesdays | 6-7:30 pm 336-373-2558 YOGA ON THE MAT Performed on a mat on the floor and uses mindfulness in stretches and postures to improve range of motion, balance, and overall health. Smith and Trotter Active Adult Centers Trotter: • Mondays | 11:30 am to 12:15 pm • Tuesdays | 4:30-5:15 pm • Wednesdays | 10:30-11:15 am • Thursdays | 10:30-11:15 am Smith: • Tuesdays | 11:30 am to 12:15 pm • Wednesdays | 12:45-1:30 pm • Thursdays | 4:30-5:15 pm 336-373-7564 ZUMBA This class is a combination of dance and fitness moves performed to fun Latin-inspired music. Trotter Active Adult Center Mondays & Wednesdays | 5:30 6:15 pm 336-373-2927 FREE FREE FREE
Warnersville Recreation Center Thursdays | 11 am to 1 pm 336-373-5871 SAIL BALANCE CLASS
Staying Active and Independent for Life class will increase strength and balance and help reduce the chance of falling. Virtual via Zoom Mondays & Wednesdays | 9:15-10 am 336-373-7564 SILVER TECH In partnership with the nonprofit Organization to Provide Equal Access to Technology, we offer technology classes for adults who lack access to a computer and need help with basic computer and internet skills. Trotter Active Adult Center $$$ Thursdays | 10 am to 12 pm Saturdays | 10 am to 12 pm 336-373-2927 TAI CHI FOR ARTHRITIS & FALL PREVENTION This class offers arthritis relief, fall prevention, and better balance through slow, gentle movement. Smith and Trotter Active Adult Centers Smith: • Mondays | 12:30-1:15 pm • Tuesdays | 12:30-1:15 pm Trotter: • Thursdays | 12:30-1:15 pm 336-373-2927 TAIROGA Offers a Tai Chi warm-up, moderate aerobics, and yoga cool-down. Smith and Trotter Active Adult Centers Trotter: • Wednesdays | 9:30-10:15 am • Thursdays | 5:30-6:30 pm FREE FREE
Wednesdays | 1:30-2:15 pm Thursdays | 1:30-2:15 pm Fridays | 12:30-1:15 pm
Meets weekly and creates work for the Spring and Fall Art Shows. Registration is required. Smith Active Adult Center Fridays | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-7564 PILATES Help improve your overall strength, stability, and flexibility. Smith: • Mondays | 11:30 am to 12:15 pm & 4:30-5:15 pm • Tuesdays | 6:15-7 pm • Thursdays | 11:30 am to 12:15 pm • Fridays | 4:30-5:15 pm Trotter: • Wednesdays | 4:30-5:15 pm • Thursdays | 5:30-6:15 pm 336-373-7564 QUILTING CLUB Meets weekly and creates work for local hospitals and retirement communities. Must know how to quilt. Registration is required. FREE FREE
Smith Active Adult Center Wednesdays | 1-3 pm 336-373-7564
Continued on page 7
Smith Active Adult Center
Drop-In Programs & Aquatics
AQUA FIT (18+) Smith Active Adult Center Tuesdays & Thursdays I 5:45 6:30 pm Saturdays | 9:15-10 am BASKETBALL Trotter Active Adult Center Wednesdays & Fridays | 12 noon to 1:30 pm | 50+ Fridays | 5:30-7:30 pm | 18+ CORNHOLE Smith: • Tuesdays | 1:30-2:30 pm Trotter : • Fridays | 1:30-2:30 pm LEARN TO SWIM Smith Active Adult Center Ages 18+ FREE $$ FREE
Mondays | 5:45-6:30 pm Fridays | 1:15-2 pm & 2:15-3 pm Saturdays | 10:15-11 am & 4:15 5 pm TABLE TENNIS Trotter: • Mondays & Wednesdays | 5-7:45 pm Smith: • Tuesdays | 10 am to 12 noon • Fridays | 5-7:45 pm • Saturdays | 10 am to 12:45 pm WATER AEROBICS Smith Active Adult Center Tuesdays & Thursdays I 9-9:45 am & 10-10:45 am $$$ FREE
ACTIVE SWIM Smith Active Adult Center • Mondays & Wednesdays Lap Swim | 9:30-10:30 am Open Swim | 1:30-4:30 pm • Tuesdays & Thursdays Lap Swim | 11 am to 1 pm Open Swim | 1-4:30 pm • Fridays Lap Swim | 9:30-10:30 am Open Swim | 3-4:30 pm ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION AQUA PROGRAM Smith Active Adult Center Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays I 11-11:45 am $$ $$$
Adaptive Paddling Lake Higgins
Programs for individuals with disabilities. More info: or 336-373-2626.
ADAPTIVE PADDLING Join our friends from GetOutdoors Pedal & Paddle this spring to learn adaptive kayaking techinques and feel more independent on the water. Lake Higgins 18+ | May 30 | 10:30 am to 12 noon ADAPTIVE TENNIS GRETA has partnered with Greensboro Parks and Recreation, High Point Parks and Recreation, and Kernersville Parks and Recreation to help grow the sport of tennis for wheelchair and standing adaptive players in our community. Deep River Recreation Center Tennis Courts All Ages | Tuesdays | 1-3 pm BIG 3 CHALLENGER Challenger Basketball and Cheer's purpose is to give children and young adults with disabilities an opportunity to participate in a basketball league $ FREE $ BASKETBALL & CHEERLEADING
and join a cheerleading team. All of this is done in a safe, structured, and team environment. Location TBD 10+ | January 20-March 8 | Locations and times vary CAMP JOY An inclusive summer day camp, located at Hagan-Stone Park in Pleasant Garden, offers two three week sessions for individuals (ages 5+) with varying abilities. Registration opens March 1, 2024. Hagan-Stone Park 5+ | Weekly Sessions June 17-August 2 Gentle form of fitness is practiced sitting in a chair and allows for social interaction with other participants. Smith Active Adult Center 18+ | Fridays | 10-11:30 am $$$ FREE CHAIR YOGA & SOCIAL HOUR
COMMUNITY DAY TRIPS Who doesn’t like to take an adventure? We will go throughout the community to explore new places and socialize with peers. Fees include transportation. Various Locations All Ages | Thursdays FIRST TEE CHALLENGER GOLF Clinics teach adaptive techniques to individuals with physical disabilities. Golf pros offer instruction to introduce people to the game and get others back into it. Registration opens February 1. Gillespie Golf Course 7-18 years | March 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24 | 4:45-5:45 pm ICAN BIKE CAMP Camp teaches individuals with disabilities how to ride a bike independently. Registration opens March 1, 2024 at FREE $-$$ $$$$
9 Greensboro Coliseum 8+ | August 5-9 PGA HOPE A free golf program for military veterans that provides golf instruction taught by local PGA Professionals. All abilities welcome and encouraged. Gillespie Golf Course 18+ | Fridays | March 22 to May 5 | 1-3 pm SATURDAY BOWLING A weekly program for participants to bowl and socialize. Each participant has the opportunity to bowl two games. Adaptive equipment is available if needed. Triad Lanes FREE $
INCLUSION SERVICES Please note all summer camps and programs offered by Greensboro Parks and Recreation can offer adaptions for children who need accomodations. Make sure to request inclusion services when you register so the department can better serve you. Requests should be made when you register for a program, camp, or event and at least two weeks in advance of its start. This will allow us enough time to develop modifications and identify appropriate staff to have in place. Please note we do not provide one-on-one services. Contact our Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation section at 336-373-2626 or via email at AIR@greensboro-nc. gov with additional questions.
All Ages | February 17, March 16, April 13 | 9:30-11 am SPRING DANCE Put on your dancing shoes and join your friends for the annual spring dance! FREE
Lindley Recreation Center 13+ | March 21 | 6-8 pm TUESDAY BOWLING
A weekly program for participants to bowl and socialize. Each participant has the opportunity to bowl two games. Adaptive equipment is available if needed. Triad Lanes 18+ | Tuesdays | 10-11:30 am
Wheels on the Greenway
sport of fencing. Participants learn how to fence in preparation for tournaments and non-competitive recreation. Glenwood Recreation Center 10+ | Mondays & Fridays | 6:30 8:30 pm 336-373-2929 FAMILY OPEN GYM Come hoop with us! Grab your family and friends for a pickup basketball, volleyball, or small sided soccer game. Peeler Recreation Center All Ages | Thursdays | 6-8 pm Calling all caregivers with little ones! Join us monthly with your kiddos for a storytime on the Downtown Greenway. First 25 families receive a free book from Ready for School, Ready for Life. Woven Works Park | 1st Friday (beginning April 2024) | 10-11 am 336-373-5826 GAME CHANGER Sharpen your skills during basketball clinic hours. All skills and drills are taught by our coaches and staff. Leonard Recreation Center Ages 5-17 | Tuesdays & Wednesdays | 6-8:30 pm 336-297-4889 GAME ZONE Enjoy video games, table tennis, arcade and board games with friends new and old. Peeler Recreation Center Ages 5-17 | Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 4-7 pm 336-373-5877 GARDEN SCIENTIST Become a real garden scientist and participate in science experiments FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 336-373-5877 FIRST FRIDAY STORYTIME
at the Xperience @ Caldcleugh Garden. This program will educate youth on scientific concepts that are relevant to garden management while incorporating the subjects of chemistry, geology, ecology, and meteorology. Xperience @ Caldcleugh Ages 7-12 | January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13, and May 11 | An opportunity where teenage girls can come and express themselves while gaining tools to help empower one another. Windsor Recreation Center Ages 14-18 | Tuesdays | 6-8 pm 336-373-5854 GIRL SCOUTS Join our new Girl Scout troop and go on adventures, learn life changing skills, and make new friends! Peeler Recreation Center Ages 5-18 | Saturdays | 9 am to 12 noon Join our Girl Scout troop and go on adventures, learn life-changing skills, and make new friends! Windsor Recreation Center Ages 5-18 | Fridays | 6-8 pm 336-373-5854 GREENSBORO CHESS CLUB We welcome anyone and everyone to gather regularly to play and study chess on a social and competitive level. Lewis Recreation Center All Ages | Wednesdays | 6-9 pm 336-373-3330 FREE FREE FREE 336-373-5877 GIRL SCOUTS FREE 12 noon to 1 pm 336-373-5881 GIRLS TO LADIES MENTORSHIP
YOUTH Programs
Program provides parents and guardians an affordable, fun, and educational opportunity for childcare during the school year. Recreation Centers Ages 5-12 | Mondays-Fridays | 3-6 pm 336-373-2558 BLOCKS TRACK & FIELD CLINICS This 4-week entry level program teaches the mechanics, techniques, and fundamentals of track and field in a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. Glenwood and Lewis Recreation Centers 6-7:30 pm Glenwood: • Wednesdays | April 3, 10, 17, 24 Lewis: • Thursdays | April 4, 11, 18, 25 336-373-4706 BOYS BASKETBALL & MENTORING Grab a ball, hit the court, and make new friends. Open play is led by mentors in our community. Windsor Recreation Center 2nd & Last Saturdays | 12 noon to 2 pm 336-373-5854 BRIDGING THE GAP TUTORING Free drop-in tutoring and enrichment activities. Peeler Recreation Center Ages 7-14 | Tuesdays | 3-6 pm 336-373-5877 DELTA H. FENCING Class teaches youth and adults the FREE FREE $ FREE
GREENSBORO YOUTH COUNCIL INSTITUTE WORKSHOPS Workshops are free and open to all high school and teen home school students in Guilford County. Past topics included managing stress, gardening, persuasive public speaking, and problem solving. Visit for details. Gateway Gardens High School Students | 6-7 pm GUILFORD COUNTY TOP TEENS OF AMERICA Educates teens about mission ownership, mental toughness, empowerment, networking, teamwork, and unity. Windsor Recreation Center Ages 13-18 | 2nd Sunday | 2-5 pm 336-373-5854 IVY GARDEN CLUB Foster healthy living and eating through hands on experiences, informative workshops, presentations, quick cooking demonstrations, recipe sharing, FREE FREE FREE
and more. Brown Recreation Center All Ages | 1st & 3rd Mondays | 6-7 pm JUGAR Y CANTAR Un grupo de juego para niños donde se habla Español y sus cuidadores para crear una comunidad donde la cultura se pueda celebrar a través de canciones, historias y juegos. Lindley Recreation Center Ages 0-5 | Jueves | 10 am a 12 pm 336-373-2930 KIDS NIGHT OUT Have we got a fun Friday night planned for your kids! Drop them off for an evening of games, crafts, dinner, and a movie. Registration required. Griffin Recreation Center Ages 5-12 | February 2, March 1, April 5, May 3 | 6-9 pm 336-373-2928 KNIGHTS OF NOBILITY Boys mentorship program designed to engage young men in social, emotional, and professional skill $ FREE GRATIS
development. Peeler Recreation Center Ages 12-18 | Wednesdays | 6-8 pm 336-373-5877 LEGACY OF HOPE A safe space for young women in underserved communities to find deterrent resources to prevent succumbing to gang and criminal activity, delinquency in school, and low self-esteem. Glenwood Recreation Center Ages 13-16 | Last Saturday | 12 noon to 4 pm 336-373-2929 LEGO BUILDERS CLUB Come join the coolest club in town, the LEGO Builders Club! This is an opportunity for creativity, design, and team-building while having fun with LEGOs. Participants are welcome to bring their own or utilize supplies provided. Xperience @ Caldcleugh Ages 6-14 | Saturdays | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-5881 FREE Continued on page 13 FREE
Lindley After School
12 Programs for children and teens. Registration may be required. For more info visit
PROJECT SUCCESS Calling all middle school girls! Join us for a variety of activities and discuss topics such as self-esteem, health and wellness, and more! Warnersville Recreation Center Ages 11-14 | 1st & 3rd Thursdays | 6:30-8 pm 336-373-5871 SATURDAY MORNING ART Show your creative side while listening to music, creating artwork, and making new friends! Beginners and skilled artists alike are invited. Windsor Recreation Center Ages 6-14 | 2nd Saturday | 11 am to 12 noon 336-373-5854 FREE FREE
YOUTH Programs
This monthly award is designed to recognize middle and high school students who have worked hard to change their lives personally or academically. Nominations accepted each month through April 2024. 336-373-7617 TEA TIME GIRLS MENTORING Empower girls to learn essential life skills, financial literacy, peer support, and more! Peeler Recreation Center Ages 12-18 | Fridays | 6-8 pm 336-373-5877 TEEN NIGHT POETRY Do you like poetry? This is an opportunity for teens to create and share their poetry. Each week teens will be given a theme to write a poem about and share. Lewis Recreation Center Ages 14-18 | May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 | 5-7 pm 336-373-5881 TIK-TALK GIRLS It's all about girl empowerment! We've got it all - conversation, music, crafts, and even a TikTok video creation session. Windsor Recreation Center Ages 13-17 | January 20 | 11 am to 1 pm 336-373-5854 TOTAL TOT PLAY HOUR Need to burn some toddler energy? Come by and let them run, play, and make new friends during this active hour of guided play for toddlers and their guardians. This fun-filled hour will have activities ranging FREE FREE FREE FREE
Continued from page 12
LITTLES ON THE LAKE Join our environmental education staff for a fun-filled, preschool nature program. Explore the outdoors with us. Registration is required. Lake Higgins Ages 2-6 | April 11, 25, May 9, 23 | 10-11 am 336-373-2481 MESS MAKERS It's messy being a toddler! Come join the fun in a space that's made to be messed up! Bring your toddler out to meet new friends and socialize. The est part as a parent is you won't have to clean up afterwards! Leonard Recreation Center Ages 2-5 | Saturdays | 11:30 am to 12:30 pm 336-297-4889 PARADE & DRILL Want to be part of the JROTC? Learn skills and train each wee, plus get homework help if needed. Windsor Recreation Center Ages 12-18 | Thursdays | 6-8 pm 336-373-5854 PRETTY GIRL MAFIA DANCE TEAM Learn competitive Majorette dance routines, travel to competitions, and make new friends. Peeler Recreation Center Ages 6-18 | Mondays & Thursdays | 6:30-8 pm 336-373-5877 FREE $ FREE $
Working together to build stronger, healthier, competent leaders in our youth for a stronger community. Craft Recreation Center
336-373-2922 STEM IN THE GARDEN
Engage in science, technology, engineering, and math through garden based activities and experiences. Xperience @ Caldcleugh Ages 10-14 | February 10 | 12 noon to 1 pm 336-373-5881 STOLLER ROLLERS Calling all caregivers with little ones! Join us monthly with your kiddos in strollers for a walk (and roll) along the Downtown Greenway. Meet new people and explore the downtown area. Plan for 1-2 miles roundtrip, including a stop at family friendly play spaces along the way. LoFi Park | 3rd Thursday | 10-11:30 am 336-373-5826 FREE
Lewis Recreation Center
YOUTH Programs
from sensory play to quick crafts to games. Something for all activity levels. Leonard Recreation Center Ages 0-4 | Saturdays | 10-11 am 336-297-4889 WE DANZ WeDanz is a youth dance organization specializing in the styles of hip hop, majorette, jazz, pop, pom, and more. Your child will not only learn the latest cutting edge dances, they will also learn dance techniques taught in studios all over the world. Glenwood Recreation Center Ages 4-18 | Mondays & Tuesdays | 6:30-8 pm 336-373-2929 WHAT’S GROWING ON?! This 4-week program focuses on teaching kids about the chracteristics of a garden, gardening techniques, and maintaining a garden. Brown Recreation Center Ages 6-11 | May 2, 9, 16, 23 | 6-7 pm 336-373-2920 WORM COMPOSTING BIN Play in the dirt with us and help us $$ FREE FREE
YOUTH OPEN GYM Come hoop with us! Open gym is available for youth and teens at various locations. Ages 5-18 • Brown | Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 6-9 pm • Griffin | Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 6:30-8:30 pm • Leonard | Saturdays | 11:30 am to 1:30 pm • Lindley | Saturdays | 9 am to 12 noon • Windsor | Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 6:30-8:30 pm • Warnersville | Saturdays | 10 am to 2 pm • Windsor | Saturdays | 1-4 pm YOUTH SKATE NIGHT @ THE REC An evening of skating, fun music, and snacks! Bring your own skates or borrow some of ours (limited supply available). Brown Recreation Center Ages 13-17 | January 19, February 16, March 15 | 6-8 pm 336-373-2920 FREE FREE
build a worm composting bin for the garden at Caldcleugh! Xperience @ Caldcleugh All Ages | March 16 | 12 noon to 1 pm YOUNG MARINES National youth program focused on leadership, community service, self-discipline, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. Brown Recreation Center Ages 8-18 | Saturdays | 9 am to 12 noon 336-373-2920 YOUTH EMPOWERMENT CAFE The Women's Foundation of North Carolina provides free, healthy, and nutrious meals and snacks. Warnersville Recreation Center Ages 4-18 | Mondays-Fridays | 5:30 7:30 pm 336-373-5871 YOUTH FUN NIGHT Bring your kids for a fun night out playing games, doing crafts, watching movies, and making new friends! Windsor Recreation Center Ages 6-12 | 2nd Friday | 6-8:30 pm 336-373-5854 FREE FREE FREE
Adult Kickball Carolyn Allen Park
Greensboro offers opportunities for adults and kids to learn a sport with a team or as an individual. More info and registration:
ADULT MEN'S SOFTBALL The adult softball program offers league play for men ages 18+. Teams will have the opportunity to compete in a fun, organized, and safe environment. Carolyn Allen Park, Revolution Ballfield 18+ | Weekly | March-June ADULT WOMEN'S SOFTBALL This NEW league is for women ages 18+. This is a 5x5x5 softball league and players register individually. Carolyn Allen Park, Revolution Ballfield 18+ | Weekly | March-June ADULT CO-ED KICKBALL The co-ed kickball program is designed to provide men and women the opportunity to participate in a fun, safe, and enjoyable physical activity to socialize, compete, and develop positive relationships with other members of the community. $$ $$$$ $$$$
and youth how to scull in single-, double-, or four-person boats for exercise and competition. Sign up at Lake Higgins Youth and Adult | Weekly R.E.D. ZONE FOOTBALL AND CHEER R.E.D. ZONE Football and Cheer programs are a joint Greensboro, High Point, and Thomasville program. The program promotes recreation, education, and development to provide a positive opportunity for youth ages 7-12 to participate on an organized team and in a structured activity during the fall season. Emphasize safety, correct fundamental skills, teamwork, good sportsmanship, positive body image, and socialization skills from adult role models and coaches. Various Locations Ages 7-12 | Weekly | Registration begins April 8, 2024 $$
Carolyn Allen Park 18+ | Weekly | March-June GOLFING Schedule your tee time to play 9 or 18 holes, or practice your swing on the driving range. Play is open to all levels. Gillespie Golf Course All ages | Daily | 8:30 am to 5 pm 336-373-5850 GREENSBORO CREW Triad United Rowing Association teaches adults and middle and high schoolers to row as a team (up to eight rowers) for exercise and competition. Sign up online at Lake Brandt Youth and Adult | Weekly | March-October NORTH CAROLINA ROWING CENTER The Rowing Center teaches adults $ $$$$ $$$$
YOUTH BASEBALL The spring baseball program uses practices and games to promote friendship, sportsmanship, proper mechanics, and basic fundamentals for youth. Coaches encourage learning through drills, organized practices, and games for all players. Various Locations Ages 5-12 | Weekly March-June YOUTH FOOTBALL CLINICS The athletics section offers multiple off season youth football clinics for 7-12 year olds. The age cut-off to determine eligibility is $ $$ Ages 7-12 | Mondays | 6-8 pm Session 1: February 19-March 18 Session 2: April 8-May 6 Session 3: May 20-June 24 YOUTH LACROSSE CLINICS Participants will learn the fundamentals of lacrosse and develop needed skills alongside their peers with knowledgable instructors. Greensboro Sportsplex Ages 8-14 | February 6, 13, 20, 27 | 6:30-7:45 pm $ 9/1/2024. Location TBD
Start Smart Baseball Greensboro Sportsplex
SPORTS Start Smart
Start Smart was developed by top motor-skill development specialists in the field of youth sports. Parent-child groups perform motor-skill tasks that gradually build confidence in children while having fun at the same time. Participants will develop proper motor skills without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt, which will allow them to enjoy and succeed in youth sports in the future. Each Start Smart program is held at the Greensboro Sportplex. You may register for the weekday that best suits your family. Learn more and easily register online at • START SMART BASEBALL : April 8-May 15 | Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays | 6-7 pm | Greensboro Sportsplex
RED Zone Cheerleading
CLUBS & CLASSES Activities
Greensboro offers a wide range of specialty programs, unique classes, and hobby groups at recreation and active adult centers.
Spencer Love Tennis Cnter
and lift the stigma of living with a criminal background.
club practices and plays competitive badminton. Leonard Recreation Center All Ages | Fridays | 6-8:45 pm Saturdays | 2-5 pm 336-297-4889 BID WHIST CLUB It is a trick-taking two-player whist game that you can play with joker plus trump. Bid whist is the ultimate competitive card game. Xperience @ Caldcleugh Ages 50+ | Saturdays | 10 am to 2 pm 336-379-5881 BLIND AUDIO DARTS Blind Audio Darts serves the blind community. The event competitively uses “Audio Darts” a variation of soft tipped darts in which the visually impaired toss to the dart board. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Fridays | 6:30-8:30 pm 336-379-2929 BOXING Have you aways wanted to learn more about boxing? Membership is available for training for individuals 12 and older. No boxing experience is needed. Coach Al Lowe Boxing Club, Lindley Recreation Center $ FREE FREE
The 40+ Double Dutch Club for women promotes fun, fellowship, fitness, and friendship. Turn up, burn calories by jumping, hula hooping, and hopscotch. Craft Recreation Center 40+ | Tuesdays | 6:30-8 pm 336-373-2922 AARP CHAPTER 354 Local Chapter 354 is a membership of seniors meeting once a month to discuss community, city, and state legislative issues relative to their community’s needs. Glenwood Recreation Center Ages 50+ | 3rd & Last Tuesdays | 10- 11 am 336-373-2929 ADULT GAME TIME Grab your friends and come play some games with us. Games include board games, video games, arcade games, table top games, and basketball. Lindley Recreation Center 18+ | Mondays | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-2930 ALMOND CONNECTION Provides access to services for indvidiuals with a criminal background to help them become self sufficient FREE FREE FREE
Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Saturdays | 1-4 pm 336-373-2929
ALPHA RHO CHAPTER OF THE ETA PHI BETA SORORITY Eta Phi Beta Sorority is a nonrofit model organization that is visible, effective, self-sustaining, and supports the needs of the Glenwood neighborhood and surrounding communities. Glenwood Recreation Center All Ages | 2nd Saturday | 1-4 pm 336-379-2929 AMERICAN ASSOCIATIONS OF INVESTORS Want to learn about various investment opportunities to help meet your financial and retirement goals? This just might be the group for you. Griffin Recreation Center 50+ | 3rd Saturday | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-2928 BADMINTON CLUB This membership-based badminton FREE FREE FREE
DELTA H. FENCING Class teaches youth and adults the sport of fencing. Participants learn how to fence in preparation for tournaments and personal non competitive recreation. Glenwood Recreation Center 10+ | Mondays & Fridays | 6:30 8:30 pm 336-373-2929 $
FAMILY HIKES Parents and family members of children 2-10 years old will accompany children and staff on the hike. We will start off the hikes with a quick activity/craft and then take a 1-mile hike through various trails. Each date will be held at a different trail. Various Locations All Ages | March 22, April 26, May 17 | 4-5:30 pm 336-373-2481 FLOOR HOCKEY This sport offers exercise, camaraderie, and the opportunity to learn and play this unique sport. Craft Recreation Center All Ages | Mondays | 7-9 pm 336-373-2922 GAMES GALORE Play some of your favorite tabletop games and meet new people. Griffin Recreation Center Thursdays | 11:30 am to 1:30 pm We welcome everyone, to come gather regularly to play and study chess on a social and competitive level. Lewis Recreation Center All Ages | Wednesdays | 6-9 pm 336-373-3330 IVY GARDEN CLUB Foster healthy living and eating through hands on experiences, informative workshops, presentations, quick cooking demonstrations, recipe sharing, and more. Brown Recreation Center All Ages | 1st & 3rd Mondays | 6-7 pm 336-373-2920 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE 336-373-2928 GREENSBORO CHESS CLUB
12+ | Mondays-Thursdays | 2-9 pm 336-373-7999 CAROLINA DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Committed to improving the relationships between dogs and their families through obedience training. We teach you to train your dog. Lewis Recreation Center All Ages | Tuesdays | 6-9 pm 336-373-3330 CAROLINA NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY Learn more about the technical side of photography and exploring nature through the lens of a camera. Griffin Recreation Center Ages 18+ | 2nd Monday | 6:30-8:30 pm FREE $$$ These classes prepare dancers for Chinese candle-dancing ceremonies and festivals. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Wednesdays | 7-8:30 pm 336-373-2929 DANCE FLAVA WITH SHAYNA This high-energy class will get you up and moving as you learn the latest Zumba moves and improve your health. Glenwood Recreation Center 18+ | Tuesdays | 6:45-7:45 pm Saturdays | 10:45-11:45 am 336-373-2929 DANCEFUNKXION FITNESS Discover the joy of movement while reaping the health benefits of exercise through dance. Griffin Recreation Center 18+ | Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays | 6-7 pm 336-373-2928 $$ $ FREE 336-373-2928 CHINESE FOLK & CLASSICAL DANCE
Join us every Thursday evening for a casual, social run or walk. The group typically covers 2-4 miles. All fitness abilities welcome.
LoFi Park, Downtown Greenway All Ages | Thursdays | 6-7 pm 336-373-5826 DOWNTOWN GREENWAY WALKING TOURS
Enjoy a guided walking tour of the 4-mile multi-use urban loop. Connect with our local history, nature, public art, and more! LoFi Park, Downtown Greenway All Ages | February 17, March 16, April 13, May 18 | 9 am to 12 noon 336-373-5826 DURAFL COMMUNITY WATCH A community watch group that meets to discuss community programs, issues, group policies, and safety measures. FREE
Glenwood Recreation Center 1 8+ | 2nd Monday | 7-8 pm 336-373-2929 FAMILY FISHING
Join Parks and Recreation Staff for a fun catch-and-release family fishing program. Lake Higgins All Ages | April 6, May 18 | 10 am to 12 noon 336-373-2481
Continued on page 19
Leonard Recreation Center 21+ | Mondays & Thursdays | 1-4 pm & 6-8:45 pm 336-297-4889 MORGAN SUPPORT SERVICES Morgan Support Services focuses on support services for people in our community living with behavioral health diagnoses and/or developmental disabilities by creating a responsive, inviting, and professional environment. Glenwood Recreation Center All Ages | Tuesdays & Thursdays | 10 am to 12:30 pm NAT GREENE FLYERS Learn the trends and tricks to all things fly fishing. Leonard Recreation Center All Ages | 3rd Tuesday | 7-9 pm 336-297-4889 OPEN GYM We invite players of all skill levels to drop in and play pick-up games of basketball. Ages 18+ FREE FREE FREE
• Brown Mondays | 7-9 pm Saturdays | 11 am to 4 pm • Craft Mondays & Wednesdays | 6:30-9 pm • Griffin | Youth & Families Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 6:30-8:30 pm • Leonard Mondays & Wednesdays | 12 noon to 2 pm • Lindley Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays | 11 am to 1 pm Saturdays | 1-4 pm • Peeler Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 6-9 pm Saturdays | 11 am to 1 pm • Simkins Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays | 4-6 pm Sundays | 3-6 pm • Windsor Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays | 10 am to 12 noon Tuesdays & Thursdays | 6:30-8:30 pm Saturdays | 10 am to 1 pm
CLUBS & CLASSES Activities
Continued from page 18
KARATE Karate is an excellent way for children and adults to learn self-discipline, increase self awareness, and build self esteem. Brown, Lindley, and Lewis Recreation Centers All Ages • Brown: Mondays 7 pm & Saturdays | 10 am • Leonard: Mondays through Thursdays | 6-8 pm • Lewis: Thursdays & Saturdays | 7-9 pm • Lindley: Mondays & Wednesdays | 5 6 pm LADIES NIGHT OPEN GYM Ladies, grab your friends and join us for drop-in play and pick-up games of basketball. All skill levels are welcome. Brown Recreation Center 18+ | Mondays | 6-8:30 pm 336-373-2920 FREE $$-$$$ The Mission of La Leche League is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | Fridays | 10 am to 12 noon 336-297-4889 MAHJONG Beginners through advanced players are welcomed to come and play MahJong. FREE FREE LE LECHE LEAGUE OF GREENSBORO
Recreation Center Directory • Brown: 302 E. Vandalia Rd. | 336-373-2920 • Craft: 3911 Yanceyville St. | 336-373-2922 • Glenwood: 2010 Coliseum Blvd. | 336-373-2929 • Griffin: 5301 Hilltop Rd. | 336-373-2928
• Leonard: 6324 Ballinger Rd. | 336-297-4889 • Lewis: 3110 Forest Lawn Dr. | 336-373-3330 • Lindley: 2907 Springwood Dr. | 336-373-2930 • Peeler: 1300 Sykes Ave. | 336-373-5877
• Smith Active Adult: 2401 Fairview St. | 336-373-7564 • Trotter Active Adult: 3906 Betula St. | 336-373-2927 • Warnersville: 601 Doak St. | 336-373-5871 • Windsor: 1601 E. Gate City Blvd. | 336-373-5845 • Xperience @ Caldcleugh: 1700 Orchard St. | 336-373-5881
PARENTS PROMOTING WELLNESS Community health education combined with restorative healing circles, will link participants to community resources and provide screenings and referrals while raising awareness and teaching skills that counteract the impact of social determinants of health. FREE
RENTLESS ROLLER DERBY In partnership with Relentless Roller Derby we provide an inclusive space for people to build community, empower themselves, and learn the basics of roller derby all the way to a competitive experience. Lewis Recreation Center 18+ | Thursdays | 7-9 pm 336-373-3330 RHYTHMIC ELEGANCE BALLROOM DANCING Rhythmic Elegance is a dance organization that is extending the soulful quality of Detroit-style urban ballroom dancing by providing a relaxed, worry-free environment to learn and study this performance art. Xperience @ Caldcleugh 18+ | Saturdays | 11 am to 1 pm 336-373-5881 FREE $
We invite players of all skill levels to drop-in and play pick-up games of volleyball. Griffin Recreation Center All Ages | Saturdays | 2-4:30 pm Sundays | 1:30-4:30 pm 336-373-2928 PANCAKES & CAREERS This program provides information on employment opportunities and furthering one's education from staff at local colleges and trade schools, all while enjoying some pancakes! Peeler Recreation Center 18+ | 3rd Thursday | 10:30 am to 12 noon 336-373-5877 FREE
Warnersville Recreation Center 21+ | Wednesdays | 7-8 pm 336-373-5871 PINOCHLE
Whether you are an expert player or haven't played in years, join us each week for some friendly competition. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | Wednesdays | 1-4 pm 336-297-4889
Outdor Fitness Morehead Park
Lewis Recreation Center 18+ | Mondays | 7-8 pm 336-373-3330
TUESDAY AT THE TRAILHEAD Drop in to participate in FREE outdoor fitness classes on the beautiful Downtown Greenway in partnership with the YMCA of Greensboro! Morehead Park Trailhead, 475 Spring Garden St. All Ages | Tuesdays beginning May 7 | 6-7 pm WOMEN EMPOWERMENT GROUP The mission of this group is to empower women to be strong and confident while maing connections with other women in the community. Griffin Recreation Center 18+ | Thursdays | 6:30-8:30 pm 336-373-2928 WORM COMPOSTING BIN Play in the dirt with us and help us build a worm composting bin for the garden at Caldcleugh! Xperience @ Caldcleugh All Ages | March 16 | 12 noon to 1 pm 336-373-5881 YOGA This weekly flow yoga class will focus on relaxation, strength, flexibility, and much more. Craft Recreation Center 18+ | Thursdays | 6-7 pm 336-373-2922 YOGA, MIND, & BODY CLASSES This 10-week session of drop-in mind and body classes for all skill levels is in partnership with the YMCA of Greensboro. Gateway Gardens and Country Park All Ages | Thursdays (April 4-May 2 Gateway Gardens) & May 9-June 6 at Country Park) | 6-7 pm 336-373-2964 FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE
CLUBS & CLASSES Activities
TRIAD OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY Photographers are invited to join local photographer John Poer in sharing the love of outdoor photography. Learn tips and tricks for capturing high quality photos. Leonard Recreation Center All Ages | 1st Thursday | 7-9 pm 336-297-4889 TRIAD WOOD TURNERS Come together to learn tips and FREE FREE Line dancing class teaches people of all skill levels choreographed dance moves created by a lead dance instructor for exercise and national dance conventions. Brown and Glenwood Recreation Centers 18+ | Beginner & Intermediate: • Brown: Wednesdays | 6-9 pm • Glenwood: Beginner Tuesdays | 6-9:30 pm | Advanced Thursdays | 6-9:30 pm T.O.P.S T.O.P.S (Take Pounds Off Sensibly) offers tools and programs for healthy living and weight management through exceptional group fellowship and recognition. Lindley and Windsor Recreation Centers Ages 18+ • Windsor | Mondays | 5:30-7 pm • Lindley | Tuesdays | 6-7:30 pm 336-373-5845 | 336-373-2930 FREE $ tricks of woodturning! Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | 2nd Tuesday | 6-9 pm 336-297-4889 TRI-CITY HUSTLERZ LINE DANCING
Continued from page 20
SEWING SISTAS Do you love to sew and quilt? Join us each Monday to get creative! Windsor Recreation Center Ages 21+ | Mondays | 9 am to 1 pm FREE
Join us for FREE pop-up outdoor fitness classes every Tuesday in April along the Downtown Greenway! In partnership with the YMCA of Greensboro, you can drop-in each Tuesday evening for a sweat-inducing workout in a new spot along the beautiful greenway. Downtown Greenway All Ages | April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 | 6 7 pm 336-373-5826 STROLLER ROLLERS Calling all caregivers with little ones! Join us on third Thursdays with your kiddos in strollers for a walk (and roll) along the Downtown Greenway. Meet new people and explore the downtown area as we venture out from LoFi Park. Plan for 1-2 miles roundtrip, including a stop at family-friendly play spaces along the way. LoFi Park, Downtown Greenway All Ages | 3rd Thursday beginning in March | 10-11:30 am 336-373-5826 TOTAL BODY DANCE Fitness for adults that includes a total body workout. FREE FREE
BEGINNER BIRD WATCHING Curious about what is flying overhead? Join the Piedmont Bird Club for a leisurely walk through Morehead Park on the Downtown Greenway to learn all about the basics of birding. Gain valuable knowledge as you identify birds based on their size, colors, sounds, habitats, and more. Morehead Park Trailhead All Ages | May 1 | 5:30-6:30 pm 336-373-5826 BIG BASS BATTLE Year-long tournament at Greensboro Lakes. The monthly winner receives a Big Bass Battle t-shirt and entry into the championship fish-off. Lake Higgins, Lake Brandt, Lake Townsend Come experience our City lakes from the water! Rent kayaks, canoes, paddleboards, and sailboats. Lake Brandt, Lake Higgins, Lake Townsend Ages 9+ | May-September BOCCE BALL Bocce, also know as Italian lawn bowling, is one of the most widely played games in the word. Smith Community Park | Dawn to Dusk All Ages COMMUNITY ART COLLABORATIVE: MOSAICS Help create beautiful public art while learning from an expert! Collaborate to design and create large mosaic stepping stones, while working alongside acclaimed artist Theresa Arico. Registration is required. Downtown Greenway 18+ | April 6 | 9 am to 5 pm 336-373-5826 16+ | Ongoing 336-373-3739 BOAT RENTALS
COMPLIMEN-TREE CREATIONS February is the month to celebrate many things - including love, connection, and kindness. Help spread a little joy throughout our community via the public art bike rack "Complimentree Kindnesses." Downtown Greenway All Ages | February 12 | 5:30-7 pm 336-373-5826 FISHING Come cast a line! Fish species vary by location. Everyone over the age of 16 needs a NC State fishing license. Lake Brandt, Lake Higgins, Lake Townsend, Country Park, Keeley Park, Hester Park All Ages FRUIT TREES 101 Ever wondered what it would be like to step outside and pick an apple fresh from your own tree? Join the Greensboro Permaculture Guild for a workshop on how to choose, plant, and maintain dwarf fruit trees and bushes. Meeting Place, Downtown Greenway 18+ | April 15 | 5:30-6:30 pm 336-373-5826 HORSESHOES A game played using horseshoes and throwing targets set in a lawn. Smith Community Park | Dawn to Dusk All Ages INTRO TO PERMACULTURE DESIGN What exactly is Permaculture Design? Find ways to easily incorporate basic permaculture principles into your own backyard. Turn your outdoor space into an edible landscape by imitating and intensifying nature's way - while providing food for your family, friends, and our pollinators! Meeting Place, Downtown Greenway 18+ | April 8 | 5:30-6:30 pm 336-373-5826
OUTDOORS Activities
PETANQUE One of Europe's most popular outdoor games is the cousin of bocce. Players must provide their own equipment. Tanger Family Bicentennial Garden All Ages PICKLEBALL OPEN PLAY Open play pickleball facilities are available and open to the public on a first come, first served basis. Smith Community Park and Lake Daniel Park | Dawn to Dusk All Ages SALAMANDER HUNT Learn how to enhance and protect the habitats of our amphibian families. Put on your boots and join Greensboro Public Library staff on a hunt for salamanders and other amphibians in Price Park with environmental educators from Parks and Recreation. Kathleen Clay Edwards Library All Ages | February 21 | 6-7:30 pm 336-373-5481 SKATE PARKS Come drop in on your skateboard, bike, inline skates, or scooter. Latham Skate Park and Glenwood Skate Spot | Dawn to Dusk All Ages WINTER TREE ID WALK Join us for a winter tree identification workshop, and stroll along the Downtown Greenway. Learn how to distinguish trees and shrubs by their color, texture, bark, buds, and other features once leaves have fallen and plants are dormant in winter. Morehead Park Trailhead All Ages | February 10 | 10-11:30 am 336-373-5826
services from City and County departments and community organizations. Beyond just a combining of purposes, the space itself would be flexible enough to suit a wide variety of needs. Blanton envisioned that a grandmother could take her three grandchildren into this kind of space. She would drop the teen off to play basketball, bring the toddler to story time, and settle the elementary-age child down to do homework while she took a Zumba class. While she was there, she would use a digital kiosk to check recent police data for her neighborhood and learn about an upcoming workshop on tenant-landlord dispute resolution. “It becomes a destination, a place where the community can have multiple needs met in one location. The community won’t have to leave their community to get the information and services that they need,” Blanton says. That vision spurred City Council to commit to planning funds for such a project. Blanton and McCray, then a Parks and Recreation planning and project development division manager, began working together to see how the City could invest in a new, community hub complex. “The entire concept of this community complex started with discussions how the City could be better stewards of public dollars, be more efficient and innovative in delivering services, and meeting the needs of our residents, all in a way that aligns with what is most important to the community and what the residents now and in the future need,” McCray says. Planning with Intention At every step, the team planned with intention, including their efforts to attract minority- and women-owned businesses into the fold. The City’s Minority and Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) office hosted a mixer-style event, a City first, where contractors could come meet each other, learn more about the project, and assemble design teams that would be inspired by the community and team’s vision.
Coming Soon: A Historic Groundbreaking Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex Making Progress By the end of 2023, the final designs should be complete. By the end of 2024, dirt will be turning on East Gate City Boulevard. The first-of-its-kind Windsor Chavis Nocho Community Complex (WCNCC) is coming to life. This massive indoor, outdoor center, built around the community’s needs will take the library, park, and recreation center to another level. “This project represents the future of how government and nonprofit services will be provided to a neighborhood that has been traditionally underserved,” says Greensboro Public Library Director Brigitte Blanton. An Innovative Idea The idea for the project has been percolating with Blanton and Assistant City Manager Nasha McCray for more than a decade. Blanton participated on a grant evaluation team and read dozens of proposals for building out media labs – creative maker spaces where people could collaborate to create new things. She came away inspired by the proposals, which partnered public libraries with other community organizations. She wondered if Greensboro could build such a place of important partnerships – a space embedded in a neighborhood where community members could receive a wide range of necessary
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