Player and Parent Resource Guide


The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department is committed to ensure that youth participating in our athletic programs have a safe, healthy and positive environment in which to play and develop their skills. Parents, caregivers and other spectators are asked to adhere to the following while attending our youth athletic events: Cheer, don’t coach. Avoid yelling specific instructions and issuing commands. Coaching from the bleachers or sidelines can be extremely confusing for a child and possibly contrary to the coach’s instruction. Coaches need your support.

Be supportive of their decisions and don’t undermine their efforts. If you don’t agree with a coach and feel the need to discuss something, make certain it is done at the right time and place and not in front of the children. Respect opponents and fans. Learn and understand the rules of the game. Respect the officials. Respect their judgement even if you disagree with them. Win or lose with dignity. Accept the results of each game. Encourage your child to be gracious in victory. Find something positive with each game, no matter what the outcome,

by working towards helping your child improve his or her skills. Support your child. Make sure that your child gets the most out of their playing experience. Show unwavering support, including positive reinforcement of your child’s performance and effort. Be positive. Adults should also be positive role models, including, but not limited to, showing proper sportsmanship at all times and refraining from negativity of any kind. Overall, parents and caregivers should be cheerleaders. Allow the coach to coach, the referee to officiate, and, most of all, allow your child to particpate.


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