Discover Greensboro: Winter | Spring 2020
LELACHE LEAGUE OF GREENSBORO Provides information, encouragement, and support for all pregnant and breastfeeding parents in our community. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets first Friday of the month 336-297-4889 TRIAD TOAST MASTERS Participants improve speaking ability, learn to feel more comfortable in front of an audience, and hone leadership skills. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | ongoing 336-297-4889 $$ FREE THE LOOPERS SEWING CLASS Learn to use a serger and work on sewing projects. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets fourth Wednesday of the month 336-297-4889 NAT GREENE FLY FISHERS Promotes outdoor activities, education in the art of fly-fishing, fly tying, and the joy of meeting new people. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets second Tuesday of the month 336-297-4889 PIEDMONT TRIAD WOODTURNERS A meeting place for local woodturners to share ideas, techniques, tools and information on woods and suppliers. Leonard Recreation Center All ages | meets second Tuesday of the month 336-297-4889 STAMP CLUB A group whose interests cover the entire range of stamps and stamp collecting. Lindley Recreation Center 18+ | meets second Tuesday of the month 336-373-2930 TRIAD OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Dedicated to helping members learn and enjoy the art of outdoor photography. For amateur and accomplished photographers. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets first Thursday of the month 336-297-4889 FREE FREE FREE FREE $$
AIR PLANE FLYERS MODEL AIRPLANE Open group for community members to come fly and learn about model planes. Lewis Recreation Center All ages | weekly 336-373-3330 COIN CLUB Community members meet to share and hold discussions about different coins. Lewis Recreation Center All ages | weekly 336-373-3330 GATE CITY QUILT GUILD Create handmade items for the annual quilt show. Produce and create quilts and receiving blankets for Women’s Hospital and other programs that assist people in need. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets third Monday of the month 336-297-4889 GREENSBORO BEAD GROUP Learn seed bead jewelry techniques and create beautiful jewelry for Greensboro Recreation Centers host a variety of groups that meet to enjoy their hobbies together. More info: HOBBIES FREE FREE FREE fun and stress relief. Leonard Recreation Center 18+ | meets third Thursday of the month 336-297-4889 Greensboro Recreation Centers host various special interest groups. More info: SPECIALTY FREE CAROLINA DOG TRAINING Classes available to the community to provide puppy training and dog obedience. Lewis Recreation Center All ages | 6-week sessions 336-273-8828 $$$$
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