Parks & Recreation Annual Report 2017-2018
Planning and Project Development
Shawna Tillery Planning & Project Development Division Manager
Elizabeth Jernigan, Planner Vonda Martin, Planner
Parks, trails and greenway planning is an important function to creating an exceptional parks and recreation system. Our division must understand parks and recreation trends, demographics, and needs of the community to make our development innovative and inspiring. This has been a busy year for Planning. In late 2017, we began the process of planning the department’s 2038 comprehensive system-wide plan, Plan2Play. This will be our road map for community recreation for the next 20 years, created with the assistance of a team of consultants lead by Agency Landscape and Planning. Since the public process began in February 2018, we have received more 3,000 online survey responses, more than 600 ideas from nine community events, and over 1,400 comments in public participation polls that were distributed across the city at recreation centers
and libraries. There was also a statistically valid survey conducted by the consultants to ensure that we captured a representative sample of our community.
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