Parks & Recreation Annual Report 2017-2018
A Note from the Director
enhancement. We want you to love where you live, work, and play. We are committed to doing our very best to create exceptional and transformational experiences that residents and visitors have when engaging with Parks and Recreation. The following report is an overview of the work we’ve done during the 2017-2018 fiscal year, and a snapshot of the where the department is today. We believe we’ve laid the groundwork for an even more exciting and productive year in 2018-2019, which includes beginning and completing multiple 2016 bond-funded projects, introducing new partnerships and programs, and renovating and upgrading a number of parks and facilities. We are also excited about completing and implementing Plan2Play, which is an update to our system-wide comprehensive plan that encourages us to not only enhance and expand our park and recreational offerings, but also to improve how we connect and engage with our community over the next 20 years. In closing, I sincerely thank the Greensboro City Council, Parks and Recreation Commission, our many community partners, staff, and residents of Greensboro for their continued and unwavering support. Without this support, these accomplishments and our ability to continue to provide a model parks system for the enjoyment of all would not be possible.
Nasha McCray Director
City of Greensboro Parks & Recreation
It’s been year of change at Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department! New leaders. New facilities. New programs.
But our commitment to the community hasn’t changed one bit. Every day, we strive to make a positive impact on Greensboro by preserving our green spaces, creating economic impacts, and improving the health of residents -- and in turn, improving overall quality of life in our city. The department continues to be a leader in shaping the quality of life and character of Greensboro. With more than 8,000 acres of parkland, 90 miles of trails and greenways, 175 facilities, and 2,300 unique programs, we truly offer something for everyone! With all of that being said, 2017-2018 was a busy year for us and found us starting new master plans, constructing new facilities and amenities, supporting disaster relief efforts in response to the April 15 tornado, hosting special events and tournaments, creating new advisory boards and expanding partnerships, offering new programs, and undergoing staff and leadership changes. The 2018-2019 fiscal year is shaping up to be even busier, with a renewed focus on innovation, connectivity, and
Thank you for allowing us to serve you with pride and for letting us do what we love.
MISSION The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department exists to provide professional and diverse leisure opportunities through inclusive programs, facilities, parks and open space, ensuring that Greensboro is a desirable place to work, live and play. VISION We see ourselves as leaders, building betters lives to build a better community.
GREENSBORO CITY COUNCIL Nancy Vaughan, Mayor Yvonne Johnson, Mayor Pro Tem Marikay Abuzuaiter, At Large Michelle Kennedy, At Large Sharon Hightower, District 1
PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Carl Brower Jr., Chairman Justin Washington, Vice Chairman Kim Alexander-Henderson Kelly Gaines
PARKS & RECREATION LEADERSHIP TEAM Nasha McCray, AICP, Director Phil Fleischmann, CPRE, Deputy Director Ron McMillan, Park Operations Manager Shawna Tillery, Planning & Project Development Manager Haley Wilson, Executive Assistant
Marsha Glazman Joseph Gardner
Goldie Wells, District 2 Justin Outling, District 3 Nancy Hoffmann, District 4 Tammi Thurm, District 5
Bob Kollar Jeff Smith
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