Legal Handbook for Council Members 2022
August 11, 2022
Mayor and City Council
Chuck Watts, City Attorney
Status of the City’s Liability Coverage
According to the Guilford County Insurance Advisory Committee and the City’s Finance Department, the status of the City's liability and insurance program for the 2022-2023 fiscal year is as follows: 1. Workers' Compensation- All claims above $1,250,000 are insured. The PMA Management Companies currently is the process agent for workers' compensation claims. 2. Tort and General Liability- The City is self-funded for tort and general liability claim payments under $100,000. After the original loss of $100,000 is paid, the Local Government Excess Liability Fund will pay the next $9.2 million ($5,000,000 per occurrence), which is subject to repayment by the City for future years. 4. Errors and Omissions, False Arrest (Public Official's Liability)-The City is self-funded up to the first $100,000.00. 5. Greensboro Coliseum Liability- The Greensboro Coliseum purchases policies for each, Greensboro Coliseum Complex, Greensboro Aquatic Center and Tanger Center. The Greensboro Coliseum Complex purchases primary General Liability of $1 million per occurrence and Excess Liability of $9 million. Greensboro Aquatic Center purchases $1M million primary General Liability per occurrence with $2 million Excess Liability. The Tanger Center purchases primary General Liability of $1 million and Excess Liability of $10 million. 6. Local Government Excess Liability Fund - The Local Government Excess Liability Fund (“LGELF”) established by the City, Guilford County, High Point, Guilford County Schools and Guilford Technical Community College helps the City pay claims that exceed the self-funded limits of $100,000.00 described above. 3. Automobile Liability-The City is self-funded up to the first $100,000.00.
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