Legal Handbook for Council Members 2022

Written Determination: Every decision adopted by the PCRB concerning an appeal must be reduced to writing by the Administrator and reviewed by the PCRB. The Chairperson signs the written determination as the decision of the PCRB in the case. Subsequently, the complainant and/or aggrieved party is provided with a written notice of the determination of the PCRB. The current enabling statute controls the content and detail of this communication to the claimant or aggrieved party. If the PCRB requests further action or review from the Chief of Police, written notice of the determination of the PCRB is sent to him or her as well. Likewise, the PCRB may make a formal appeal, via written notice, to the city manager, who is the ultimate and final authority over personnel within the City of Greensboro. Once a determination is made, the PCRB drafts a final notice to submit to the complainant and/or aggrieved party. CDW/jgs

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