Legal Handbook for Council Members 2022
September 1, 2015
Mr. John Doe, Assistant City Manager
August 11, 2022
Mayor and City Council
Chuck Watts, City Attorney
The Police Community Review Board (PCRB) Background
The City of Greensboro created the Complaint Review Committee (CRC) in 2001. In 2014, City Council created the CRC Enhancement Committee to review the committee and the process. As a result of the CRC Enhancement Committee, City Council passed a resolution on December 15, 2015, renaming the committee to the Police Community Review Board (PCRB). 1 Other key changes included, but were not limited to, increasing the number of members, amending the procedure in which members were selected and appointed, and requiring member training. In 2018, City Council created a new commission, the Greensboro Criminal Justice Advisory Commission (“GCJAC”). The PCRB is now a subcommittee of that Commission. 2 Governing Law The enabling statute for the PCRB is Session Law 2018-105. 3 In relevant part, it states that: In order to facilitate citizen review of the police disciplinary process, the city manager or the chief of police, or their designees, may release the disposition of disciplinary charges against a police officer and the facts relied upon in determining that disposition to the Criminal Justice Advisory Commission and its subcommittee, the Police Community Review Board, designated by the city council to provide citizen review of the police disciplinary process. The city manager, chief of police, or their designees, and the Criminal Justice Advisory Commission and its subcommittee, the Police Community Review Board, may release the disposition of the disciplinary charges to the person alleged to have been aggrieved by the officer's actions or to that person's survivor. The members of the Criminal Justice Advisory Commission and its subcommittee, the Police Community Review Board, shall maintain as confidential all personnel information released to them under this subdivision that is not a matter of public record under this section, and any member who violates that confidentiality is guilty of the violations set forth in subsections (e) and (f) of this section. Each member of the Criminal Justice Advisory Commission and its subcommittee,
1 December 15, 2015 Resolution 2 August 21, 2018 Resolution 3 Session Law 2018-105
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