Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
P URPOSE The purpose of this policy is to define the principles by which City of Greensboro employees, including full-time staff, part-time staff, contractors, consultants, vendors, trainers, temporary staff and the like will adhere to in order to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the City’s systems and information and comply with privacy laws and industry regulations. Protecting systems and information and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations is fundamental to the successful operation of the City. This policy also provides guidelines that anyone employed by the City of Greensboro should consider and must follow at all times (during work hours and after work hours) when posting to their personal social media accounts using a City-owned or personal (privately owned) electronic device and/or equipment. Technology equipment assigned to you as an employee is your responsibility. This includes city cell phones, iPads, tablets, tough books, and computer equipment such as docking stations, monitors, speaker bars, keyboards, mice, laptops, computer cables, etc. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. §95-25.8(a)(2), this advanced written authorization gives the City of Greensboro the authority to make deductions from any final wages to recover the expenses of all lost, damaged, or unreturned equipment issued to the employee upon separation. S COPE This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all users of all information systems that are the property of the City of Greensboro as well as how employees interact with their personal social media accounts. Specifically, it includes: • All employees, whether employed on a full-time or part-time basis by the City ofGreensboro • All contractors and third parties that work on behalf of and are paid directly by the City of Greensboro • All contractors and third parties that work on behalf of the City of Greensboro but are paid directly by an alternate employer • All employees of partners and clients of the City of Greensboro that access the City of Greensboro’s non-public information systems
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