Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
(11) The Chief Data Officer will create and explore potential future partnerships that enable efforts related to data release, increase the availability of open data, identifying constituent priorities for data release, and connecting government information to that held by non-profits, think tanks, academic institutions, and nearby governments.
(12) To optimize data quality and timeliness disclosure, every attempt will be made to collect or record information in electronic of digitized format over hard copy.
In conjunction with this open data policy, a data governance standards document has been created and upon resolution will be adopted and adhered to as an overarching set of best practices, procedures, and processes that define the vision and daily operation of an open data program, defined and detailed roles and responsibilities of leadership and data coordinators within the program, a method for identifying and prioritizing datasets for publishing and continuous updating, and a means for evaluating success of the open data program for improvement. The Data Governance Standards document is an attachment to this policy and can be located at http://citynet/MyTools/Pages/Document-Central.aspx and click on Library: Policies and Procedures. The Open Data Leadership Team shall submit an annual Open Data Report to the City Manager’s Office by the end of year fiscal year beginning in 2017. The report shall include an assessment of progress towards achievement of the goa ls of the City’s Open Data Program, an assessment of the current scope of department compliance, a list of datasets currently available on the Open Data Portal, and a description and publication timeline for datasets envisioned to be published on the portal in the following year. During the review and reporting period, the Open Data Leadership Team should also make suggestions for improving the City’s open data management processes to ensure that the City continues to move towards the achievement of the Po licy’s goals. The City of Greensboro will also maintain an Open Data Portal where the City’s publishable data will be publicly available. The Open Data Portal will be maintained by the City of Greensboro’s Information Technology Department and will advise the Open Data Leadership Team on best practices for open data related projects and the requirements of this policy. Additionally, the Information Technology Department will assist in the implementation of open data projects through the Chief Data Officer and serve as the liaison with each respective internal department’s open data coordinators. (1) Datasets published on the Open Data Portal shall be placed into the public domain. Dedicating datasets to the public domain means that there are no restrictions or requirements placed on the use of these datasets; (2) The City of Greensboro will assume no liability for the following: errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the public data provided on the Open Data Portal regardless of how caused, decisions made or actions taken by anyone using or relying upon such public data; or any virus or other damage to any computer that might occur during or as a result of accessing such portal or the public data therein. The data provided via the portal are not the legal record of data but a selected subset for public use, transparency, and in support of city initiatives to provide the residents of Greensboro with information generated from city services. The City of Greensboro retains the right to remove data from the portal in situations that may include but are not limited to an issue of
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