Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
One Connect Policy Exception Request Form
Name: Lawson No:
Department / Division:
Position Title: Justification for exception (must be documented in terms of job duties):
Please mark ALL the devices requested to have cellular service and the cellular service provider of those devices:
City-Issued Cell Phone with Hot Spot Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued iPad with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued Android Tablet with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued Windows Tablet with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued Laptop with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued Toughbook with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
City-Issued Other Device with Cellular Service Provider of Cellular Service: _____________________________
APPROVALS for Exception
____________________________________ Department Head Signature
Date ____________________________________ CIO Signature
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