Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
Monitoring Employees’ Use of Electronic Resources Guidelines
City of Greensboro, NC
Cyber Security Division
PURPOSE The City of Greensboro has the right to monitor employees’ use of electronic resources, including internet usage and email communications. The City’s Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy notifies employees that they do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in their use of electronic resources. Employees acknowledge this fact by electronically accepting the policy. However, every search of an employee’s use of electronic resources must be undertaken for a legitimate, non-discriminatory and non-retaliatory business reason. The Human Resources and Information Technology departments have implemented this protocol and these guidelines will ensure that searches are undertaken for valid business reasons. G ENERAL G UIDELINES Any supervisor or manager desiring to conduct a search of their employees’ use of electronic resources must comply with the following steps: 1. Contact your department’s Employee Relations Consultant (Nichole Smith, Karen Mabe or Robert Nunn) to discuss the need to conduct a search. a. Together they shall discuss whether it is appropriate to conduct a search. If so, the search will be limited in its scope (keyword, duration etc.) to collect only those electronic records that are pertinent. 2. The Employee Relations Consultant contacts the City’s Cyber Security and Compliance Manager to request the search. 3. The results of the search are shared with the Employee Relations Consultant and the requesting supervisor or manager. 4. The results of that search shall inform any subsequent decisions relative to any ensuing personnel actions. Should a decision result in corrective action, the corrective action will depend upon the violation and be subject to the discretion of the employee’s supervisor/manager in accordance with Personnel Policy H-1 Discipline Without Punishment (DWP) Policy. The Fire and Police Departments have their own corrective action processes.
Monitoring Employees’ Use of Electronic Guidelines 1
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