Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
The purpose of this policy is to manage iPad procurement, management, and support of the City of Greensboro’s iPad resources. In addition to this policy are roll -out and deployment procedures for iPad resource tracking and configuration control. Users are responsible for abiding by this policy and the procedures defined herein. Users will adhere to the same security standards as desktops and laptops (Acceptable Use).
SCOPE This policy applies to all City employees.
There are no associated definitions applicable to this policy.
The Telecommunications/VOIP division is the primary agent for ensuring iPad procurement, roll out, deployment, application downloads, support/network fees, and personal iPad device support. Please note: It is the responsibility of the liaison and user to report issued like cracked screens, edges, chips, burned out pixels, dead display, bleed through, or bent cases. Issues should be reported to the service desk immediately for repair within the two years of Apple care and up to 2 times on each device. To check the current status on a warranty, please visit:
Procurement process for requesting an iPad: • Liaison and department head approval and sign-off • Centralized through IT • Lease equipment for two years • Configuration 128gb • Wireless Card Options – 4g and/or Wi-Fi • Accessories – Standard case/covers and stylus
iPad Rollout / Deployment : New Equipment is shipped from CDW-G or Apple Store to MMOB, LG14. iPad is entered into leasing database. o Shipped on Date: Date Shipped o Received Date: Date entered into L.D. o Scheduled Date: Tier II Date when ready to Deploy o Completed Date: Date deployed to Telecomm. o Email to Elizabeth and Gerrad to notify of the equipment receipt and hand off to Telecomm staff within 24 hours
New Equipment signed for by Telecomm tech, received on date is filled out, scheduled & Item is completed in Database.
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