Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
• Initiatives lack uniqueness and are routinely performed on a daily or weekly basis to support operations. Simply they are not recurring. • Initiatives apply to maintenance required to support system and application infrastructure.
Maintenance: Routine and preplanned activities used to prolong the life cycle of the product or service.
Project : A program management framework that classifies a particular work activity based on enterprise operations. For the purposes of this policy a project consists of the following non inclusive traits. • A project from start to finish will last more than 30 days or a month in time. • A project has a definite start date and a definite end date with defined resources and scope. • A project should lend itself to having milestones with tasks under each that when completed realizes a significant effort towards your end goal. • A project will lend itself to have more than a single task but stages where you plan, initiate, and execute to achieve a desired goal. • A project is a unique effort that is not recurring.
The CAB is an empowered body that oversees change procedures, validates, and approves/rejects documented changes. The CAB is responsible for viewing the information provided in every change request in order to ensure that the changes are sufficiently researched, documented, communicated, planned, and executed according to defined cost, schedule, performance, and risk criteria. • The CAB will convene each week to review, approve, or reject pending CRs. • The PM (or designee) will administer the CAB meeting by presenting all pending CRs and re-visit any approved CRs that have encountered issues for group awareness and subsequent re-direction of the activity.
• The CAB should consist of each division lead or designee when unable to attend. Currently our composition is:
(A) Chief Information Officer (CIO) (B) Deputy-CIOs (C) Applications Services Manager (D) GIS and Special Projects Manager (E) Public Safety Manager (F) Telecomm/VOIP Manager (G) Network Services Manager (H) Security and Compliance Manager
(I) Project Manager (J) GM911 Manager
• Each division lead or designee should analyze each CR for potential impacts to their area of responsibility prior to the CAB meeting and be able to discuss any mitigation activity that might need to take place before approving/rejecting the CR. 23 | P a g e
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