Information Technology Policy Manual 2022
computer. However, the drive must never be transported out of the City offices • Removable storage devices must be returned to IT for proper disposal when no longerneeded
Internet of Things (IoT) Devices • Configure the IoT device with a strong password • Ensure the firmware on the device is updated regularly • Read provided instructions or ask vendor for additional recommendations
S OCIAL M EDIA___________________________________________________________________ Employees assume any and all risks associated with their personal/private blogging, live streaming, and use of social media on privately owned equipment/devices. Sharing informationonline and in social media amplifies your voice. What you say can instantaneously spread to a global audience and possibly impact your workgroup whether you intend it to or not. The statements you make can live indefinitely and what you say reflects on you and on the City of Greensboro, especially if you identify yourself as a City of Greensboro employee. You engage in social media when you use any of the following: • Maintain a personal blog or website • Comment on news articles or blog posts • Maintain a social media account (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) Never post or discuss sensitive City information online. This may include information related to business units, employees, administration, residents, vendors, and audio or video recording or photographing other employees or residents without their knowledge. Any information that is not publicly available is considered sensitive. • Do not disparage, insult, harass or bully other employees or family members ofemployees (see Personnel Policy H-10 Harassment Free Workplace Policy). • Do not engage in defamatory, harassing, vulgar or other forms of inappropriatelanguage or conduct (see policy referenced above). • City employees are not permitted to speak on behalf of the City with residents, vendors,etc. over social media outlets, unless explicitly authorized by the Communications and Marketing Department. • City employees should refrain from making posts and/or engaging in discussions on their personal social media accounts that could possibly impact and/or defame the City, their departments, workgroups and/or create dissen s ion among other employees. This includes, but is not limited to, political posts/discussions. NOTE: Please see subsection (d.3.) below, and the required online Learning Management System (LMS) module on Political Activity. Also, the H-2 Employee Complaint Resolution Policy (LMS module) provides a process to follow should you have concerns about your employment conditions and/or relationships with otheremployees. • City-owned devices should not be used for personal/private blogging, live streaming, or personal/private use of social media sites. The following requirements apply to your use of social media: •
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