IT Strategic Plan FY20-21

City of Greensboro IT Guiding Principles IT Guiding Principle Guiding Principle Statement 1. City-wide value focus We aim to provide maximum long-term benefits to the City by providing solutions that are fit for purpose and reduce operational complexity and cost of ownership. 2. Reuse > buy > build We maximize reuse of existing assets. If we can’t reuse, we procure externally. As a last resort, we build custom solutions.

Data is an enterprise asset. We ensure the integrity of this asset through sharing and integration of data that results in timely and simple access to information. We manage security to ensure a stable and secure environment that protects enterprise assets while reducing risk.

3. Data

4. Security

5. Compliance to laws and regulations

We operate in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

6. Innovation

We seek innovative ways to utilize technology for business advantage.

7. Customer centricity

We partner with our customers to deliver best experiences with our services and products.

8. Team focus

We encourage a culture of teamwork and collaboration across divisions within the IT department.

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