IT Service Catalog FY16-17

Digital Signage Digital signage is a specialized form of content delivery in which video or multimedia content is displayed in public places for informational and/or advertising purposes.

INCLUDES: • Software required to display user provided content on TV/Monitor • Department is responsible for providing CPU, TV or monitor • Limited training on Content Manager software to create signage. Additional training is available through FourWinds Interactive, Inc.

How do we charge? Dynamic Content Player License - one-time charge of $1,785

What should you expect? Service availability: Digital sign should be available 24/7 or during normal business hours for that particular Department 99% of troubles/issues repaired or completed within 3-5 business days Turnaround time from initial request is approximately 6 weeks for equipment procurement. Five business days once equipment arrives on-site to setup content player.

RESPONSE TIME Priority Time Critical 1 Day High 1-3 Days Medium 3-5 Days Low 5 Days

Contact: Gerrad Biffle Telecommunications Manager 336-373-2333


Experts predict that as digital signage continues to grow, you’ll see it move from lobbies to places such as classrooms, meeting rooms and elevators.

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