IT Service Catalog FY 23-24

How To Section APPENDIX F

Information Technology How to Section

1. Select the item in question. 2. Click the select action dropdown and select Release, Release and Add to Safelist or Delete and hit submit. Items added to Safelist will whitelist any future emails from the sending domain. How to Whitelist and Release Emails in Spam Quarantine continued :

How to Request Third Party Access: The Third Party Access Policy has been implemented with the Legal Department’s approval, in an effort to protect the City of Greensboro network resources and to ensure and maintain security measures. Compliance of the agreement is a requirement of any department that wishes to add a user to the network that is not a City employee and does not possess an employee number (i.e. software vendors, volunteers, unpaid interns, suppliers, temporary staff, contractors, consultants, business partners, security companies, trainers and the like). An updated and fillable copy of the Third Party Access Policy can be obtained here (under Popular Policies): http://citynet/MyTools/IT/IO/Pages/Cyber-Security.aspx The completion of the Third Party Access Policy will be a joint effort between the requester of the account for the City of Greensboro and the third party. Please find instructions on how to complete the Third Party Access Policy here . 1. Please submit the completed agreement information to the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager. After the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager receive the completed and signed agreement information back on behalf of the interested party(s), the Third Party Access Policy will be reviewed for approval (3 business days are required for approval) 2. The Cyber Security and Compliance Manager will notify the requester of the account via email, stating that: • The Third Party Access Policy is approved. • If it is a Contractor and/or Consultant network account, it will be set to expire within 90 days of the date it is created by default unless the policy specifies a different timeframe. • To better manage network accounts of this type and to be proactive as it relates to network account security, the requester will be required to inform the Cyber Security Analyst to extend the account(s) every 90 days via an email, in addition cc’ing the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager and the Cyber Security Specialist. • At any time that this employee(s) is no longer contracted by the City of Greensboro, please notify the Cyber Security Analyst, in addition cc’ing the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager and the Cyber Security Specialist via email to disable the account(s) immediately. 3. Upon the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager sending the approval email, the designated departmental liaison and/or Division Head/Dept. Head may submit a new network account request(s) via FreshService . Please allow up to 3 business days for the account setup. Please contact the Cyber Security and Compliance Manager, at 336-335-5686, if you should have any questions and/or concerns about the agreement information.


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