IT Service Catalog FY 23-24

APPENDIX A Fee Schedule

Fee Schedule

Additional Fees These fees are the same for all departments/divisions regardless of TIER I or TIER II Status:

Monthly Rate

Weekly Rate

VoIP/Telecom Charges

Service Desk Loaner Fees

Multi Line Set

$30.50 $32.50 $27.50 $29.50 $35.00 $37.50

Loaner Laptop


Multi Line Set with Voicemail

Loaner laptops include a bag and battery. They will be set up with standard MS Office software and VPN client. They will not have any specialized or custom apps installed. They will not come with docking station, monitor, mouse, or any other peripheral equipment. There will be a lease charge of $70 per week to cover the laptop cost. We will not charge any other IT fees (helpdesk, network, office, corecal, norton) on these devices. If you return a loaner laptop that has been damaged you will be charged.

Single Line Set

Single Line Set with Voicemail

Jabber Only with Line

Jabber Only with Voicemail

Add-on Module (8800)


Analog Line

$20.00 $34.00

Ringdown Circuit

Virtual Server

One Time Charge

Monthly Rate Per Server

Software Change Change with Visit

$10.00 $40.00

Amount of Storage

Virtual Server


SAN Network Storage

IP Surveillance Camera Maintenance & Storage

Monthly Rate

Amount of Storage

Monthly Rate Per Camera

500 GB or less 501GB to 1TB

$100.00 $200.00

Amount of Storage

15 to 30 days


Digital Signage

Annual Fee

Social Media Archiving Monthly Rate ArchiveSocial $20.00

Digital Signage License Fee*


*Thin Client is required.

Monthly Rate Per Person


Expired Lease Fee Leased Equipment Without Action (per piece of equipment)

Monthly Rate




Notifications of Leased Equipment Expirations will be sent to the respective Technology Liaisons 45 days in advance. The Liaison must respond with either a request for lease replacement or return without replacement. If this action is not taken, a monthly charge of $50.00 per piece of equipment will be assessed.


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