IT Service Catalog FY 2018-19

Supported Applications A P P E N D I X E

Application Services Supported Applications

Application Name



Human Resources

A custom SharePoint integration that allows employees to engage in an automated sign up process for training handled through the HR department.

Training Sign Up

UHC Employee COBRA Coverage UHC Employee Insurance Coverage

Human Resources

An application that provides a customized fle transfer to UHC of employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for COBRA Health Care coverage in a specifc electronic format.

Human Resources

An application that provides a customized fle transfer to UHC of employees, and their dependents, who are eligible for Health Care coverage in a specifc electronic format.


An application to enter water, electric, gas, and other utility payments owed by the City for upload into Lawson for the eventual production of checks that are distributed to the utilities for payment.

Utility Payments

Water Customer Lookup

Public Safety

An application that provides a way to look up water billing customer information.

Water Level Lookup

Water Resources

A form that assists in displaying Water Level and Rainfall totals to the public.


A public facing search to allow residents to look up records of those who served in WorldWar II, Army, Navy, AAF, Marines, Coast Guard, WAAC, WAVES, SPAR, Nurses, Merchant Marines or Red Cross service. A public facing search to allow residents to look up locations and organizations that ofer educational experiences for children in categories such as Art, Dance, Drama, History, Music, Museums, Science and others.

WWII Search


YEA Search

A P P E N D I X F HowTo Section

Information Technology How to Section

How to ReviewYour Monthly Service Desk Billing: http://citynet/MyRoles/tl/Pages/default.aspx Via CityNet, under the Technology Liaisons site, Computer Leasing, Look up Equipment; choose Monthly Billing Invoice. Enter the Month and year you would like to view the billing and click OK. If you would like to import the information into Excel to manipulate, you can do so by clicking on the icon just below FILE in the upper left corner. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Kathy Goodwin at 336-373-2828 or via email at •


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