IT Service Catalog FY 2018-19
Supported Applications A P P E N D I X E
Application Services Supported Applications
Application Name
A web page that runs on a kiosk at the depot that provides the most frequently requested links to attractions in Greensboro.
Depot Kiosk
An application that provides a payment portal for residents to pay balances due online for Privilege Licenses, Business Permits, Building Inspections, Lane Closures, and Parking Payments. Data is applied to the iNovah cashier system and several custom applications and is also moved into Lawson for accounting purposes.
Ecommerce online payments
An application for looking up employee information including phone numbers, work locations, departmental assignments, and what manager they report to.
Employee Finder
Encumbrance History
An application for looking up encumbrance information in Lawson.
Forefront Identity Manager Greensboro Television Network Schedule
A system that combines feeds from Active Directory and Lawson to allow permissions to automatically be set up and maintained properly in SharePoint.
An application, with internal and external portals, that allows GTN to upload and display daily and monthly television schedules to be referenced for residents online.
Communications & Marketing
Greensboro Television Network Video Tracking
An application that enables videos produced by GTN, and all associated information, to be tracked throughout their lifecycle.
Communications & Marketing
An application that provides verifcation of data for new hires, upload of time worked data into Lawson for Police special events, pension number update processing, and assists with data automation after the yearly benefts signup process has completed.
HR Processing
Human Resources
Information Technology
An application that enables the tracking and billing of non-leased technology items.
IT Billing
Landfll Billing
An application that processes and reports on landfll data for upload into Lawson.
A public facing application that enables contractors to request lane closures. It also features an administrative tool for tracking the status of lane closure requests and payments. Lastly it is integrated with the online payment portal to allow contractors to make Lane Closure payments online. An application that moves employee photos from the badging system to a staging area for Lawson, Kronos, and other custom applications so that employee images are available to those systems. An application that handles the tracking of leased technology equipment across the City. It has many features including lease order entry, lease item transfer, receiver information updates, monthly billing archives, quote attachments, accessory tracking, multi-stage order approval, conditional automated email alerts, fee calculations, monthly lease costs setting, reports, etc.
Lane Closure
Lawson Image Converter
Leasing Application
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