IT Service Catalog FY 2018-19
Spam Quarantine Service The IronPort Spam Quarantine program is an efective means to flter away most of the SPAM received based on a multiple detection mechanism including those which are difcult to detect by our exiting antispam system.
• Customized block list
How do we charge? Included in monthly Network charge (Appendix A)
• Centralized
Major cost drivers • Hardware acquisition • Hardware support • Operations and engineering support • Maintenance • Internet fltering
• Weekly Spam Quarantine Notifcation
• Bandwidth • System administration
Priority Critical
2 Hours
What should you expect? Service availability: 24/7 service availability (maintenance windows will be scheduled during non-business hours)
Same Day
2 Days 3 Days
Contact: Sylvia Suriani Network Services Manager 336-373-2200
How can you help? Did you know the IT Department is rolling out dedicated spam quarantines for each employee? Items labeled as marketing, bulk, spam, or suspicious will be placed in this folder. Each Monday morning, employees will receive a weekly digest of items in his/her spam quarantine. These items will automatically be cleaned out of this folder every 30 days. Employees can view their spam folder at any time by going to the Cisco Spam Quarantine website:
In the past 12 months the city’s spam quarantine service has blocked over 20 million spam emails! FACT:
12 I T S E R V I C E C A T A L O G • F Y 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 1 9
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