IT Policies Manual FY 2024-2025

Docusign Envelope ID: CE02E790-7159-459B-9F50-C807BADBC958

• Employees authorized by their Department Head or designee to receive a stipend in lieu of the City issued phone may use the device for both City and personal use. Please be advised that this may make your call records a matter of public record. • The Department head or designee may request verification of an active plan and plan rates at any time. • Employees do not have to substantiate or document business use of the phone. • Employees are required to notify their employer immediately if there is any interruption of service due to loss, damage, carrier cancellation, etc. • Employees are encouraged, but not required, to carry insurance on their phone. • The employee is responsible for all contractual services with their wireless provider. • Termination or continuance of the monthly reimbursement will be at the discretion of the Department director. • If an employee is out of work more than 30 days, they may be required to have their stipend suspended until returning to work. Reimbursement Rates It will be up to the Department head or designee to decide the appropriate reimbursement amount necessary for each employee as follows:

Monthly Stipend Allowance: Phone & Data: $45.00 stipend per month Only one City funded data plan is allowed per employee (One Connect Policy)

Phone Only: $25.00 stipend month

Option 2 – Standard City-Issued Phone

Rules for City-issued phones are as follows

• Roster employees are eligible for city-issued phones but they are not eligible for a stipend. • If the employee is assigned a phone for take-home purposes, the employee must accept business calls and/or messages on the phone. • The City is responsible for the purchase of a phone and required accessories from its preferred carrier. • Employees must notify their supervisor immediately of a lost or damaged phone. • Employees may be responsible for reimbursing the City for costs incurred as a result of loss or damage of a City phone and/or accessories due to employee negligence. • Upon separation of employment, employees will return cell phone and all accessories prior to receiving final paycheck. • If an employee is out of work more than 30 days, they may be required to turn in their City issued phone until returning to work. ENFORCEMENT & COMPLIANCE Any employee who is found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Department Heads or their assigned representative(s) will issue their own guidance regarding personal use and re-payment of any overages encountered by the cell phone user.


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