Cyber Security Policy Manual

5) Employees must not attempt to circumvent any information security controls that have been implemented to protect the City’s network, systems and information . It is preferred not to connect your City PC to the City’s public wireless network. 6) The use of unlicensed software on the City’s network is strictly prohibited. All software in use must be officially licensed. No software is to be installed or used that has not been licensed appropriately for the use. 7) Visitors, contractors, vendors and consultant must not connect their computers to the City private network. They must use the City’s public network to gain access to the Internet. 8) If vendors require access to IT facilities including computer rooms, data closets, or any other facility that contains IT equipment, they must be escorted by IT or security personnel at all times. 9) If vendors require the installation of devices for support or maintenance activities, they must obtain written consent in the form of an email from the IT department before doing so. 10) Employees must report violations to this policy immediately to the IT Service Desk at 373 2322 or by emailing the Cyber Security Team at

Cyber Security Policy Manual


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