Cyber Security Policy Manual


P URPOSE Mobile Devices have evolved as powerful computing devices with access to many systems and applications. For the City of Greensboro, mobile devices enable powerful capabilities including access to sensitive City information that must be protected. Mobile devices also represent an asset with significant costs, which must be managed wisely. This policy provides rules that must be followed to protect the City’s systems and information when using Mobile Devices. S COPE This policy applies to all City of Greensb oro employees that use mobile devices to access the City’s systems and applications.


MDM stands for Mobile Device Management. It’s used to help secure mobile devices and protect access to the City’s systems and application Refers to smart phones (e.g., iPhone, Galaxy S) and tablets (e.g., iPad, Surface) Altering the device operating system for the purposes of removing or circumventing restrictions

Mobile Device

Rooted or Jail-broken



Cyber Security Division

4) Ensure that mobile devices adhere to the rules defined in this policy 5) Block access to mobile devices that do not comply with this policy

City Employees

3) Adhere to the rules defined in this policy

P OLICY 1) The City of Greensboro may provide mobile devices to employees whose jobs require them. It’s up to the employee’s manager to determine if a City -owned mobile device is justified. 2) The use of personally owned devices to access the City’s systems and applications may be allowed. If the employee uses a personally- owned mobile device to access the City’s systems and applications, the employee must agree to the terms and conditions defined in the “Personally - Owned Mobile Device Agreement” to conti nue to have access. If the employee does n ot agree to the terms and conditions, their access to City’s systems and applications from their personally owned mobile device will be blocked.

Cyber Security Policy Manual


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