Housing & Neighborhood Development Annual Report 2022-2023

Neighborhood Reinvestment

City Launches Community Tool Lending Program Recognizing the importance of homeowners being empowered to keep their property and community in good, safe condition, HND developed and launched the free Neighborhood Toolbox Tool Lending Center in May. The program offers tools and equipment for Greensboro residents to borrow and make repairs around their homes or neighborhood. Lowe’s Home Improvement donated enough equipment and tools to fill two trailers. “Providing tool access at no cost removes barriers to neighborhood improvement and beautification,” says Michelle

Kennedy, HND director. “Often residents can’t make necessary repairs or improvements simply due to the fact that they don’t have the equipment needed. This program literally puts tools in the hands of neighbors who need them most.” Residents fill out a request form to borrow items for specific days. One trailer

was recently used by residents in the Ole Asheboro neighborhood for a community clean-up project. “I don’t always have all the things I need to take care of my yard,” neighborhood resident Tamara Anderson says. “I’m excited about the program and can’t wait to see what it does for this particular community.” Neighbor Ladonia Black says, “I think it will be used and people will take more pride in where they live.” More info at www.greensboro-nc.gov/Toolbox.


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