Human Resources 2020-2021 Impact Report

Thriving During the Pandemic

Before March of 2020, it would have been hard to imagine how drastically the work environment would change in response to the once-in-a-century pandemic that we faced. The City had to adapt how it delivered services to its residents while providing flexibility and support for its employees. Human Resources had to quickly change policies and benefits to ensure that employees could deliver the necessary City services whether they were remote or onsite. At the onset of the statewide stay-at-home order, City leaders worked closely with HR to: • Amend work-at-home procedures • Provide employees one week of additional sick leave in the event employees were sick or were required to quarantine. • Implement the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), which provided an additional two weeks of paid sick leave and two weeks of paid leave for caring for children that needed to be home due to closed schools or daycares. Over the course of the pandemic, more than 1,500 employees took advantage of the benefits offered. Statewide restrictions are easing and many employees are returning to a work environment that will likely never be the same. We are committed to working with our diverse group of departments to ensure employees are valued and supported so they can deliver the critical services to the residents of Greensboro.

Budget Analyst Sara Hancock said it would have been impossible to balance her duties

as an analyst and a mother of a toddler if the City didn’t provide flexibility during the pandemic, when her son’s daycare closed.

Employees used pandemic leave 1,538


Hours of pandemic leave used to care for family 41,521

Hours of pandemic sick leave used for quarantines or when sick

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