Guilford Works PY2021-22 Annual Report
M A R K E T I N G & C O M M U N I C A T I O N S
The Marketing and Communications team is critical to the success of GuilfordWorks. Here are some key highlights from a busy year of work.
Program Rebranding In November, the team introduced the re-branded adult apprenticeship program, Gear Up | ASAP (Adult Specialized Apprentice Program. Its website launched in January, complete with engaging videos and data to entice employers and career seekers. Audi ence Out reach Marketing and Communications expanded GuilfordWorks’ reach by: • Reintroducing the GuilfordWorks Connection newsletter to keep people informed. • Blogging helpful, practical advice, in a way readers will remember. One good example: A post about love languages, and how they can be interpreted for the work place. Instagram GuilfordWorks created its Instagram account (theguilfordworks) in Oct. 2021. Since then, the audience has grown to 234 followers while maintaining consistent growth. Through stories, posts, and fun, informative reels that keep our followers (and non-followers) engaged, Instagram has been a fantastic tool to connect with our growing community.
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