Guilford Works PY2021-22 Annual Report


ROSETTA COUNCI L Rosetta Council credits attending hiring events at the NCWorks Career Centers in helping her better prepare for discussing her skills during interviews. “The service, care and help I received from NC Works and my service provider, Celina McCrae, was absolutely unmatchable. NCWorks gave me all the tools I needed. They helped me with my resume and allowed me to attend classes to brush up on employment skills, all free of charge. In spite of all that had been done, I still couldn’t seem to pull it together. I felt as if the world was leaving me behind,” she said. “But Celina wouldn’t give up. Celina’s encouragement and compassion moved me to tears. And even though I had little faith in job fairs, I attended all but one simply because I couldn’t allow her efforts to be in vain.” AKIRA STOKLEY Akira Stokley enrolled in NCWorks to help her achieve her dream of becoming a nurse. A single mother working as a cashier at Walmart, she worked long hours and had difficulty affording transportation and childcare. Stokley successfully completed all of the

She eventually was offered a position as a traffic management specialist with Atkins, making $16 an hour. She

began working in March 2022. “It’s all because of Celina and

NCWorks. I can’t say enough about the help I received and the resources they provided me,” Council said.

required workshops to enroll in Certified Nursing Assistant training and completed the course in a few months. Unfortunately, she failed to pass the required board exams. NextGen team provided financial assistance so she could retake the exams – which she passed. NextGen staff helped Stokley find a position with North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University’s Student Health Center with starting pay of $20 an hour. “After I was certified as a CNA, I found a job that helped me get my first car and move into my first apartment. With the help of NCWorks, I am so grateful because I probably would not be where I am today,” she said.


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