Guilford Works PY2021-22 Annual Report
MOBI LE CAREER CENTER In its first full year of operation, the Mobile Career Center traveled throughout the county to 93 events in partnership with nearly 300 community organizations. The Mobile Career Center went into communities with the highest unemployment rates and reached the most vulnerable job seekers where they live. That included people with limited access to transportation to get to the other career centers, people who were previously incarnated, those in recovery from drug or alcohol use disorders, and people experiencing homelessness.
The Mobile Career Center staff had monthly engagements with Greensboro Urban Ministry’s Pathways temporary shelter and Partnership Village transitional housing program and resource events with Caring Services. They also worked with the Women’s Resource Center, Macedonia Family Resource Center, YWCA of High Point and the Greensboro Housing Authority – to name just a few. The Mobile Career Center supported jobs fairs and community resources events countywide, from recreation centers to churches to high schools.
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