Guilford Works PY2021-22 Annual Report
27.0 Expressed dissatisfaction with working conditions and/or compensation.
Currently � Unemploye d 30.6%
Exploring other � career pathways 11.6%
Working fewer hours � or making less income 5.8%
In school 1.3%
Other 8.2%
Worker Mindset The survey allowed respondents to share more about their personal experience. Many could not find work that accommodated their disabilities or provided flexibility to care for themselves or someone else – including one worker who developed long COVID and has been unable to work full-time. Older workers, some of whom lost their jobs during the pandemic, struggled to find work that isn’t too physically demanding or unsafe. In line with the national trend of Baby Boomers – who are higher risk of the worst COVID-19 effects – some local workers decided to retire early. Others said they experienced age discrimination in the workplace or were unable to find age-appropriate work. “For older workers 60+, companies simply don’t seem interested in hiring us,” one respondent said. “Lots of experience, even management experience, but no jobs or no offers for employment.” Another frustration communicated by job seekers was a slow hiring process. Many job seekers said they did not get consistent communication from employers or didn’t hear anything after applying. Some respondents seemed to question the sincerity of the labor shortage.
Concerns about COVID exposure/safe working conditions 65 and older or considered high risk by the CDC Living with someone who is high risk Childcare or caretaker needs Unqualified or do not have the necessary training Overqualified or unappealing work Insufficient compensation, benefits, or incentives Poor flexibility or work/life balance Waiting on a job offer from a different employer Actively interviewing but have not received a job offer
Other income sources, no financial pressure Currently receiving unemployment insurance Other (Please Explain)
“The cost of everything is going up so why aren't the wages? I see plenty of jobs available, I've applied, they do not reply or call. Many require degrees and experience but yet are “urgently hiring.” They need all this experience, then TRAIN PEOPLE .”
“I believe my age has been a barrier in getting a job offer.”
“Families need more help with childcare costs . It makes no sense for a mother to work when the nanny is making as much as she is.” “ Current pay in my position, within my department, is lower than the exact same positions in other departments, and does not increase often enough to match rapidly rising inflation.” “Work-life balance is a must.” “I do not want unemployment. I found a great job The pay is awesome and the owner is an honest man who cares for the physical and mental well-being of his employees. Thanks for having my back NCWorks ”
Employers should offer training because so many positions state degree and don’t really need it!!! Biggest problem: work experience is not considered and should be.
“If the bus situation was better around here people would be able to get jobs.”
“People don’t want to work 50+ hours per week and feel like their management does not care about them as human beings.”
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