Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
60 - FEBRUARY 2019
Asset Gap Analysis Current Gaps The total inventory of all assets available to the Department and the impact of similar external service providers located within city limits form the basis of a gap analysis. It is important to note that private golf courses and private pools were excluded in the gap analysis. This gap analysis was used to determine if there are any surpluses or deficits in the assets available to the Greensboro community and identified if these assets were provided by the city and/or other providers. A detailed description of how assets were defined can be found in Appendix D Greensboro Recreation/Demand Analysis Memorandum .
The gap analysis utilized the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) performance benchmarks which show average counts for the amount of assets by facility/type gathered from communities across the country. However, sports participation rates vary depending on the region in the United States. As a result, the team has included customized regional benchmarks which adjust for the varying levels of participation in the region. Figure 38 below shows the gap analysis, which displays the surpluses and deficits of assets in the city. As figure 36 displays, Greensboro is well- served in the total amount of many types
of assets and facilities. However, there are some deficits, purely on a quantitative basis. Based on national benchmarks, it appears that there are gaps in indoor and outdoor aquatics, fitness centers, and senior centers. Private facilities and similar external service providers located in Greensboro fulfill this shortage, residents take advantage of these facilities due to the lack of services provided by the Department, with the exception of senior centers. Senior centers show a current need after considering both Department facilities and similar external service providers. Additionally, based on the facilities that the Department currently has available in their inventory, outdoor basketball courts also show a current need.
Number of Assets
Asset Type
Figure 38. 2018 Facility gap analysis.
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