Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019


Community Needs and Priorities FACILITY NEEDS Respondents were asked to identify if their household had a need for 33 recreation facilities and amenities and rate how well their needs for each were currently being met. Based on this analysis, the survey can help estimate the number of households in the community that had the greatest “unmet” need for various facilities. The three recreation facilities with the highest need identified were: paved walking and biking trails (72%), natural trails (60%), and park shelters and picnic areas (55%). Paved walking and biking trails within parks was the only item with a need that affects more than 90,000 households. In addition to assessing the needs for each facility, residents also assessed the importance that residents placed on each facility. Based on the sum of respondents’ top four choices, the three most important facilities to residents were: paved walking and biking trails (53%), natural trails (39%), and playground equipment and play areas (19%).

PROGRAMMING NEEDS Respondents were asked to identify if their household had a need for 26 recreational programs and rate how well their needs for each program were currently being met. Adult fitness and wellness programs (46%), special events/festivals (42%), and outdoor adventure programs (28%) were the three programs needed by the highest percentage of households. In addition to having the highest total need, two of the top three programs also have the highest unmet need among the 26 programming- related areas that were assessed. Based on the survey responses it is estimated that a total of 38,015 households have unmet needs for adult fitness and wellness programs and 26,197 households have unmet needs for outdoor adventure programs. Similarly, the five most important programs to residents were ranked as: adult fitness and wellness programs (30%), special events/festivals (23%), adult art, dance, performing arts (14%), senior programs (14%), and outdoor adventure programs (14%). The program that respondents indicated they currently participate in most often is special events/festivals (17%).

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