Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019

180 - FEBRUARY 2019

ENDNOTES Growth projections have been aligned with the Comprehensive Plan Data Book produced in February 2018 for the PlanIT GSO comprehensive planning process. NRPA’s performance metrics break agencies out by population size. Greenboro falls between the upper two sizes: 100,000- 250,000 and 250,000 and above. Given the variation in numbers, the metrics here refer to all agencies combined, which has the largest number of inputs to draw from. More detail on methodology and findings can be found in the Greensboro Recreation Demand/Analysis Memorandum, August 2018 Developed By Sports Facilities Advisory, LLC. More details on recommendations for the marketing plan, centralized registration and a program catalog are available in the Greensboro Recreation Demand/Analysis Memorandum , August 2018, Developed By: Sports Facilities Advisory, LLC. Detailed steps can be found in the Greensboro Recreation Demand/Analysis Memorandum , August 2018, Developed By: Sports Facilities Advisory, LLC. Investing in Trails: Cost-Effective Improvements—for Everyone, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy , Further details of this reorganization can be found in the Maintenance and Management Plan . Further details related to the survey and public outreach can be found in the Community Engagement Memorandum .

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