Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019

16 - FEBRUARY 2019

Table 1 - Outreach Strategies and Outcomes

Total # of participants

Outreach Strategy Description

Total # of Events

Focus Groups

Focus groups consisted of 1 hour listening session with up to 15 participants per group. These were conducted in the early phases of the Plan2Play process. Groups were structured around similar interests such as arts and culture, community partners, or operations & maintenance. Community Conversations (CC) were held at key points in the Plan2Play process. These were publicized across the city in multiple formats and drew a city- wide audience. The first two CC were stand-alone events. The final CC was held in conjunction with Greensboro’s Parks & Rec Fest and brought up to 400 visitors. Pop-up events were conducted by both Parks and Recreation Staff and the consultant teams. These consisted of a Parks & Recreation tent and interactive engagement tools. All pop-ups took place at existing events across the city such as movies, festivals, or music events. Participation poll boards were placed in 1 library and 1 recreation center within each of the 5 Council Districts. Participation was coordinated by on-site staff. The boards rotated out monthly for 4 months and focused on the following themes: 1) facilities 2) programs 3)amenities and 4) vision. A paper survey was mailed to 2,500 total residents across the City of Greensboro. Four short on-line surveys were advertised primarily though social media and the project webpage and were distributed monthly for 4 months. The first three surveys were primarily multiple choice. The final survey allowed residents to provide open- ended responses. The surveys also followed the themes: 1) facilities 2)programs 3) amenities and 4) vision. Social media posts on Greensboro’s Parks & Recreation Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts allowed citizens to stay informed of Plan2Play news and events. These posts were also used to elicit participation in the online survey. Comment threads were logged and provided a broad range of feedback.



Community Conversation


500+ participants

Pop-up Events


800+ responses

Participation Polls

6 monthly surveys posted in 20 locations

2,225+ responses

Statistically Valid Survey


300 responses (95% confidence)

On-line Survey

4 monthly surveys

3000 responses

Social Media Comments



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