Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
9b. Expand learning places and programs for all ages, including additional space for the growing senior population. Expand programming beyond 12 and under age demographic -The distribution of program offerings in Greensboro focus on amenities for youth under 12 years of age. Sixty-seven percent of the city’s programming is offered to youth twelve and under, which is lower than the national average of 70% for recreation providers, but still does not reflect Greensboro’s demographic profile. As identified in more detail earlier in this document, program opportunities should be expanded for children preschool age and younger, for teens and for seniors. Expand senior specific programming across the system - Programs for older adults offer educational, social, or physical activities in group settings that encourage personal interactions, regular attendance, and community involvement. Group- activity programming can reduce social isolation which is associated with poorer health outcomes and physical activity programming has been shown to reduce falls and improve muscle strength.
Figure 85. Inclusive kayak launch at Lake Higgins in Greensboro.
Figure 86. A universally accessible playground in Los Angeles, California.
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