Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019


Rebrand Existing & Proposed Greenways - Another important component of this concept is a re-branding of greenways within the city. Isolated park trails, which are currently categorized as greenways, should either be absorbed into a broader greenway identity, or be renamed as park trails. Greenways with potential for broader connections, such as those that run along North or South Buffalo Creek, should be recast under one name the “North Buffalo Creek Greenway” and the “South Buffalo Creek Greenway.” This idea is also outlined in the BiPed Plan and should be an easy first-step to achieve in expanding the reach and impact of greenways within the city. The portion of the loop in east Greensboro, which will involve the greatest investment, should also be given a clear name that potentially ties to the area’s history to allow users to better understand how the path connects across city fabric.

Natural Zone

Multi-Use Path Zone

Natural Zone

Green Zone

Green Zone




Figure 79. Proposed typical greenway trail section in natural setting.

Multi-Use Path Zone

Planted Zone

Road / Right of Way

Existing Ground

Min. 4’


Width Varies

Figure 80. Proposed typical greenway trail section paralleling roadways.

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