Greensboro Plan2Play Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2019
136 - FEBRUARY 2019
#7 CONNECT Grow the Trail System Trails and connectivity repeatedly emerged as a theme throughout the Plan2Play engagement process. Residents noted their love of existing trails, and desire for more connections. Likewise, given their relatively low cost, trails have been shown to demonstrate some of the highest return on investment due to increased property values and access to civic or retail destinations. Trail-based tourism is a major attraction for small and mid- sized communities: Americans spend more money towards bicycling each year than they do on airline travel. The Department currently offers 98 miles of terrestrial trails and 2 miles of blueway trails (aquatic paddle sport trails) within the City of Greensboro. When County and private resources are considered this number grows to 135 miles. While currently there is a significant amount of trail mileage, mapping of existing trail networks illustrates that trails are not evenly distributed. Plan2Play envisions development of a citywide greenway loop that builds off the existing trail networks and equitably ties historic, cultural, and
ecological assets together into a linked system. The Connect the trail system idea builds on community input and suggests a framework for trail growth both within existing parks, and along a route of concentric greenway loops. In addition, the plan recommends seeking additional dirtway connections between existing drainageways, trails, and open spaces within the city. Lastly, the plan also seeks to align with and strengthen existing planning efforts such as the 2015 Bicycle, Pedestrian, 2019 Piedmont Greenway Feasibility Study for Guilford County from Greensboro to Triad Park and Greenways Master Plan (BiPed Plan). Identified in the map on the following page, the completion of key regional trails like the Downtown Greenway, Bicentennial Greenway, Atlantic & Yadkin Greenway (A&Y), South and North Buffalo Creek Greenway, and Piedmont Greenway will provide connections to over half of the city's parks and encourage regional recreational and commuting use for pedestrians and bicyclists alike.
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